As of yesterday I’m officially weaned off my Ativan. While I was only on it for about 6 months, I was terrified of coming off of it. My anxiety has been crazy this past week but I did it. Hopefully as the weeks progress my anxiety will level back out. Fingers crossed!
Ativan Free!: As of yesterday I’m officially... - Anxiety Support
Ativan Free!

I have this ahead of me as well. What dose were you coming off of (if you don't mind sharing)?
Give yourself a huge pat on the back! Ativan is one of the worst to come off. I came off Benzos last year & that was hell with the PAWS (post,acute withdrawal symptoms). They can still affect you up to a year after but so far so good. Hopefully you'll be o.k. after only 6 months. Life can only get better! Good luck! 😁
Thank you for the encouragement! How long did you experience withdrawal symptoms? The past couple days I’ve had a burning/prickly sensation in my face and feeling pretty spaced out. Of course my anxiety wants to trick me into believing I’m relapsing but common sense tells me it’s the withdrawal.
I'd been on Benzos for longer than you've been on Ativan. I would say the worst lasted 3-4 months & after 6 months it was a lot better. I would get prickly sensations & sweating, couldn't sleep but all is o.k. now & I never want to go that route again for sure! Keep on doing what you're doing - don't go backwards!
Your words are very encouraging. My psychiatrist seems to make light of the fact that I came off the Ativan as I wasn’t on it very long and not that high of a dose. She doesn’t seem to believe in the withdrawal symptoms- that of course, makes my anxiety worse because I’m hopeful that these physical symptoms will disappear once the Ativan is out of my system. Do you take any antidepressants (if you don’t mind me asking).
Meditation & exercise are the best antidotes to anxiety & depression. It takes commitment & discipline but is worth persevering. I take a medication for anxiety & depression following a meltdown/breakdown at the end of last year. The meds + meditation & exercise have helped me get my life back.
I have been meditating, exercising, doing yoga, acupuncture and go to counseling twice a week! I’m currently on 150 mg of Zoloft and have been on this med for 3.5 months. (My first time taking anything at the age of 41). I started suffering from anxiety after a hysterectomy back in October. While the Zoloft has given me back my appetite and allows me to function, it doesn’t seem to be giving me the relief that many describe. Despite all my efforts, the anxiety seems to persist. I’m hoping that by getting the Ativan out of my system, my body will have a chance to adjust.
Yay! I’m so happy for you! Any lingering anxiety/symptoms will subside. Just think of it as signs that your body is healing. And they are sooo worth being off the medication. My psychiatrist wants me to get on a higher dose of my new med before we cut anymore Ativan but I’m finally down to .5mg/day so I don’t want to stop now! I saw you get a prickly feeling in your face, I get it in my hands/feet.
Thank you for your post! I’m pretty proud of myself. However, my doctors don’t seem that impressed. My psychiatrist wants to up my Zoloft again stating that the withdrawal symptoms are most likely uncovered anxiety. She’s also recommended switching to something different. Of course this leaves me very anxious and confused!
You should be proud! Even if it’s something you want it’s still not easy. Aren’t you already on a really high dose of Zoloft? Withdrawal symptoms are going to happen regardless. I hope you don’t have to start over on a new med after all this time.
Yes, I’m on 150 and honestly I think I felt better in 125.
Let your dr know. Don’t be talked into something higher just bc it’s a “therapeutic dose”. My psychiatrist eventually wanted me on that high of a dose but my body couldn’t even handle 25mg. A lot of my family take Zoloft but only 25-50. 150 sounds like so much!
Learn how to meditate!!! ( Guided meditation) I am shocked at how helpful this is becoming but it takes practice and dedication.
Mongea, You did it, You did it I knew you could. Each day will
get better and better. Hip Hip Hurray.... So proud of you xx
Congratulations Mongea, You did it 😀
I think the anxiety will definitely improve but with good and bad days which are all part of the recovery process.
My very best wishes for a speedy recovery for your husband also.
Really hope all is well with your kids.
Just seen your ATIVAN blog. I was on it 12years , was told by a professor ( went to a talk on it ) it was worse to come off than Heroin. I went through hell that was in 1983. Went on antidepressants in 1993 and scared to give those up know. I wont tell you what Ativan did to me cuz it aint fair on others trying to come off it . I had cancer , op, chemo and rads in 2008 bad enough but Ativan withdrawal was worse . Well done you xxx