My arm pits sweat bad out of the blue my heart doesn’t even race when it happens so is this a normal anxiety system I sweat a lot
Is this normal : My arm pits sweat bad out... - Anxiety Support
Is this normal

Hi apayett24, it's called "stress sweat" and has a different
odor to it because of the chemicals released. Hope that helps some.
This Could Be A Side Effect From Your Meds Too. Just Remember, "Sweating" Isn't A Bad Thing. We Are Supposed To Sweat... It's OK To Sweat... With EXCESSIVE SWEATING ? [ that's allot of continuous sweating..... Call Your Doc.... But Yes, Anxiety & Panic Disorders Can Cause Sweating Too. Here It Is In Symptoms :
Sudden high anxiety with or without a cause
Heart palpitations
A "smothering" sensation or shortness of breath
A feeling of choking
Chest pain or discomfort
Dizziness or faintness
A sense of unreality
A fear of going crazy or losing control
A fear of dying
Numbness or tingling
Chills or hot flashes Ect...Ect....
Prayers For Ya~*
I don’t take meds and can’t get out to see a doc I’m agoraphobia
One of the symptoms of my anxiety that I absolutely hate the most is the sweating. This happens with or without the pounding heart, breathless ness or the light headed ness.