Does anyone feel worried about going sleep? If so how can you reduce the anxious feeling?
Sleep anxiety : Does anyone feel worried... - Anxiety Support
Sleep anxiety

What happens in your sleep that makes you worry about it?
I started getting anxiety and not sleeping after my mother passed away. She gave us her house. Once I couldn't sleep I was anxious close to bedtime and had fear of not sleeping and was afraid to get in the bed. I think it's related to fear and anxiety of insomnia. I've been working with a therapist but slept only about 2 hrs. last night.
Yes. It used to be a lot worse than it is now, but occasionally I still have times where it's bad. I've always been afraid of dying in my sleep, but then it got worse after watching my Dad pass away. I would work myself hard all day so that I wouldn't have a choice but to fall asleep, but then would wake myself up soon after with anxiety attacks. It took a combination of therapy, an every day antidepressant and a fast acting anxiety med to help me get over the hump, so to speak. Now I only take the antidepressant and when I feel sleepless, I take hydroxyzine (essentially like a prescription form of Benadryl) to help me rest. Thankfully that's only a couple of times a month now. Therapy really helped me learn how to cope with the fear though. I highly suggest it.
i've had it on and off, mostly on, all my life since a young child, i believe it was triggered by moving from my parents bed at a late age 5. At times it has crippled my life,i am frightened of not knowing where i am,it simple as that.!
Have you tried sleeping with a night light? I use a salt lamp by my bed. It gives a soft glow and just knowing it's there when I wake up is grounding and helps me know immediately where I am.
i am aware there could be comfort in that, like my little para lamp as a kid....not sure whats best or would work....thankswhats a salt lamp?
Yes, but my severe anxiety and thoughts about sleep make me worse. I have to get out of bed.
I actually feel the opposite. Just try thinking of sleep as a state of nothingness. You don't need to be anywhere or anything. Just rest. When I sleep though, I think my adrenaline goes on. I don't know if I have any pain or anything.
i don't like nothingness, i am a believer in spirit, i have psychic stuff and am plagued by dreams, of that awful type of being somewhere you should'nt be, losing something, things not working,all of that, oh an d indian textiles....
My therapist is teaching me to accept instead of fear. If you have no expectations you won't be disappointed. We're using ACT which is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It incorporates meditation.
actually 'nothingness' does not exist, only the ability to block off the group consciousness,above which imo is God.
Actually, it's not about nothingness or not sleeping but just accepting whatever is. With meditation, you only focus on your breathing so you don't think about the present and past but only the current moment. I have to start doing that on a regular basis. It's supposed to help depression and anxiety.
best of fortune, i have a spiritual helper, also chanting...could just be god over and over.the things we go thro in our minds, others would not dream !!