Hi, I've been suffering from anxiety since January. I have a betablocker that I haven't taken as someone told me that they cause insomnia and my only escape is to sleep. Does anyone have any experience of this and do you know if the betablockers are likely to help the anxiety?? Would be grateful for any advice. Thanks.
Betablocker query: Hi, I've been suffering... - Anxiety Support
Betablocker query
Judthepud; I took a beta blocker for a couple years. It did not disrupt my sleep in the slightest. Only way you will know is if you try it.
Hi, I'm glad you are questioning Wether to take the beta blocker or not as from my own experience I was on them for 4 months and they made me really ill. I had numbness and all of movements were jerky. It did nothing to lower my heart rate. I ended up having a brain scan because I was so I'll because they thought I had a brain tumor. It was from the beta blocker the neurologist took me straight off them as I also had crunching sensations in my head. Even after all of that my stupid doctor still wanted me to carry on taking them. Have you seen a phycatrist or had CBT as these might help you as I find the more medication you are on it just makes you numb and not really with it. I hope this helps.