Does anyone take lexapro i was on 10mg for two weeks my psychiatrist told me after two weeks she wanted me to start 20mg yesterday . Because I was still having no energy for anything and I was having panic attacks still. I used lexapro all last year an it Did wonders for me then I stopped to try without out it an two weeks got back on with psychiatrist approval. But I just wanted to know how people felt taking the 20 and will it eventually make me feel happy to do things again? I just fee flat right now however I did notice some days are a lot better then before but just wanted to know how others like it
Lexapro : Does anyone take lexapro i was on... - Anxiety Support

I’ve been taking buspar for almost 3 years and feels like it doesn’t work.... I’m always lightheaded and still have anxiety... I tried lexapro for two days then stopped because I got panic attacks..... but idk if that was just in my head because I was trying another medication.... maybe I should give it another try.... does it work for you ? Is it like an antidepressant?
Yes it is a antidepressant you should try it again with Ativan or Xanax the first week to get through the first week. I tried buspar an was on it for 5 weeks it made me worse I was paranoid so bad I couldn’t even go outside from it and dr had me stop right after. Lexapro has been great I was on last summer but stopped after a year because I thought I could manage with out it but apparently not after 2 months of stopping anxiety and depressed feeling came back .
Yes I do take Xanax as well which does help but does ware off after awhile. But I will be making an appointment with a psychiatrist so I'm going to mention trying Lexapro again. And i do the same thing i try to take myself off meds because I don't want to have to take them the rest of my life. Im 29 and have 3 kids and seems after my pregnancies my anxiety gets worse. Its no fun and no way to live. I feel like i cant have a normal day. Sucks!
Me to to I’m 29 with 1 daughter who is 5 it’s hard because kids need you at your best. I hate this it sucks where r u from
Yes they do! I'm from California , Redlands area..... and yourself?
Omg I’m from California also Modesto the Central Valley by Stockton
Where is Redlands
Redlands is going towards Palm Springs 😸
How long have u been dealing with this are you on any medication now?
Well my anxiety and panic attacks began in my teen years. I got help took medication, got off of it then after my first pregnancy got it again. My second pregnancy was great but my third was a nightmare. My anxiety feels worse than ever and its been like this for 3 years. Im currently taking the buspar and xanax. But like i said i feel like the buspar doesn't do too much for me.
I have taken lexapro for the last 5 yrs. initially as we all are, I did not want to take it. I take40 mg/day and it has helped w/the depression and probably w/anx &panic also. After you are convinced that it won’t kill you—- it does help I would encourage you to stay positive. I think you’ll be glad you did
Also don’t let what you think people may think of this. Be a factor. It’s more brave than weak to face this stuff I used to project what I “thought people would think “. Onto myself.
God bless & I pray that it will help you
(I do know it takes a while for this stuff to Be it’s most effective)
Hi Haironfire.......
I too take Lexapro. I have been on it for over 10 years. I started out with 10mg and the last year I was changed to 20mg. November of last year my dr and I weaned myself off of it na dI was dpoing well up until a month ago. Dr prescribed me 20 mg again and was taking that for two weeks and anxiety was bothersome. Dr dropped me back down to 10mg. Been on the 10mg for 3 weeks. On week two was doing really well with minimal anxiety and all of a sudden boom.... It's back. I go back to the dr soon may he will take back up to 20 mg. My question is I see you take 40mg. I know the recommended highest dose is 20mg. How does the 40 work for you and how long have you been on it? I know everyone is different just thought I'd ask. I really like the Lexapro and am scared to try a new medicine. I also take xanex as needed but try not to and atenolol 25mg as needed