So for the pass 24 hours I’m feeling there something I’m my throat stuck , I feel like I’m choking , ive made myself vomit to see if anything stuck would come up and it hasn’t I still feel the chocking feeling like something is stuck , what should I do ????? I’m panicking
Feel like something is in my throat HELP!!!!! - Anxiety Support
Feel like something is in my throat HELP!!!!!
Just a thought Roxx14. Sometimes it can be nothing more than post nasal drip where thick mucus runs down the back of the throat feeling like something is there. Sipping slowly on a hot beverage can help thin the mucous. Try to avoid milk products for a day to see if that stops the production of the post nasal drip.
If it continues of course see your doctor to rule out any tonsil problems or other health issues. Hope you feel more comfortable soon. Acid Relux can also affect the back of the throat. x
I wouldn't mess about with whatever it is. Get to your GP or if necessary go to A&E. If there is something there you should get some professional help to sort it out. Making yourself vomit might not be a good idea. You need to determine what the problem is and get it taken care of professionally.
Acid reflux ? Sinus ?i have both at times you do feel like your going to choke.
Roxx14, for reassurance do see your doctor but this sounds very familiar and could be a quite common anxiety symptom called Globus Hystericus, it's like there's someyhing obstructing your throat. I had it 25 years ago, had a barium meal scan and they said they could find nothing wrong. This reassurance stopped me worrying about it and I stopped noticing it and it was no more.
Don't panic, you are in no danger but do see your doctor so he or she can examine your throat to be sure.