I had a lumbar puncture on Friday and it’s day four and I am still experiencing unbearable headpain. Has anybody had this problem its making my anxiety so bad . I think I’m gonna go back to tuffs tomorrow . I’m super dizzy feel like I’m gonna pass out, my ears feel like they want to explode. Anyone please if you experienced this it would really help me and my anxiety.. thank you
Lumbar puncture-severe headache 🤕 severel... - Anxiety Support
Lumbar puncture-severe headache 🤕 severely unbearable

In October last year I had a little panic attack then out of the blue the worst throbbing painful headache ever . I called 000 and ambo took me to hospital . Brain scans clear but the headache lasted 3 weeks and it would hit me when first out of bed . Would last hour . Then for the rest of the day stabbing pains dull headache . This went on for 3 weeks as I said . And since then I get a lot of stabbing pain in my left temple
Crystal, head on back to the hospital.I had a lumbar and had the same - I needed a 'plug' in the puncture site (totally painless) and it took the headache away. This is a somewhat common complication after the procedure and NOT anxiety. Good luck - let us know how you get on. Sending you hugs. xxxxx
Thanks everyone, I went back to the hospital and all they did was give me Tylenol and a bag of fluids and draw blood. but they said everything was good. They said if it countnues after three days to go back and get a blood patch. But then I came home and Laude down 2am I doze of and then woke up like an hour later with a racing heart rate and I tried to go back to sleep and nothing I can’t my eyes just want to open and my heart rate is racing.. my eyes are so tired and I can t sleep. So scared
I have had a spinal headache and it is not fun at all. I’m so sorry your going thru this but it will get better. Go back to the hospital if it doesn’t improve. I rested and drank lots of fluids until I recovered.. maybe binge watch a show on Netflix too 😊keep your mind relaxed and distracted
years ago I had a lumbar puncture. I was told to stay in bed for awhile. I had gotten up a few times to put the cat out. Later I woke up with an excruciating headache and vomiting I ended up being admitted to the hospital and had a cat scan. Everything was fine and the headache went away after I was given fiorinal and I took that for a few days. Should go away. Good luck
When ever you have a problem, see it as small and dark far away in your minds eye. Then you will be more resourceful in finding a solution. This is what i do, Hope this helps. Gerrerd.