Can anxiety make you feel sick?
Feeling sick: Can anxiety make you feel sick? - Anxiety Support
Feeling sick

Sure can babe x
It could make a cold feel worse
I get a nausea feeling often. I’m fairly sure it’s related to anxiety.
I get fatigue, tired, weak, lightheaded, stomach aches at times, just an unwell feeling, yes it can make you feel physically sick
Whenever I have a panic attack it makes me physically sick. So yes it can make you sick .
Yes, anxiety can definitely create nausea - as an over-(re)active nervous system copes with processing too many stress hormones, ie. cortisol and adrenaline - as can low blood sugar levels and hormonal fluctuations.
Often when we're anxious we breath shallow - deep, calm abdominal breathing, fresh air, yoga, a long walk - and eating a small amount of non-sugary food (eg. rice cakes, oat cakes) even when feeling nauseous (to address any low blood sugar) can possibly help.
I find sipping ginger and lemon tea (teabags) eases the nausea slightly or soda water - also magnesium citrate supplements at night for anxiety.
Anxiety is horrid - you have my sympathies, hope you can find a way to manage and tame it.
yes anxiety can cause all sorts of symptoms i usually feel like i'm crawling out of my skin heart palpitations and feelings of dread. waking up in the middle of the night is the worse
I have been suffering anxiety really badly for several months. I have just been offered a place on a course for anxiety management. I am looking forward with trepidation. I have it written in my page a day diary so I will not be seeing it until the day before. It is in my head though and does cause great anxiety at times. I have had to phone a helpline most days for a week or two. They help tremendously
I feel sick all the time from anxiety, I suffer from health anxiety so it manifests itself in all kinds of crazy ways. As soon as I get over one symptom it'll change into something else!
I wake up with nausea most days . I have health issues. A laparoscopy tomorrow to check for cancer. Middle of the night and mornings are the worst. Then it passes. Roll on tomorrow. This waiting is difficult.