The scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my life just happened.. crazy panic attack on steroids. I'll update soon
In the hospital: The scariest thing that has... - Anxiety Support
In the hospital
Please do let us know someone5673. We care xx
Okay so when I posted this I was actually in the waiting room and I started to feel better so I left. LOL. Hopefully no 5 hour hospital visits today just to go home with papers that tell you how to deal with anxiety!
I woke up and had a very strange and intense dissociative attack. I kept leaving my body and then re-entering it every 10 to 15 seconds. I don't remember much except for running around the house grabbing clothes and screaming about how I was dying, you know, just an average thursday. I'm left disheartened by this because I'm starting a new job soon and I can't even imagine what will happen if this happens at work. I would like to not run around my workplace screaming that I'm dying. Preferably..

I was put on prednisone few months back and omg did i lose it, i was in the er twice and had to come off.. Drs say it happens alot, one guy had to stay cause he completly lost it and was 100% fine when the steroids had left his system. feel better
I'm sorry that happened to you. It really is one of the worst experiences I can imagine. Thank you. (:
I have asthma so once in a blue moon I have to go on steroids and the only ones I can take r medrol dose pack which is a 5 day plan where you take 4 mg 5 diff times day 1 ,and every day after one less up to day 5.Once on a reg dosage I wanted to die, got extremely depressed and anxious. Will not take those.It took a lot of trys but I am on Xanax from reg Doc ( after many tries) due to my generalized anxiety. My deceased brother had terrible hallucinations while on steroids for kidney failure that he had to go to ER too.I also found I can't handle decongestants for the same reason

Good luck to you! I feel your pain
We sometimes forget that those warnings about medication side effects can and do happen.
I hope you are feeling better now
Awwww omg I hope you feel better hun 😔😔😔😔 keep us updated love
Don’t feel bad I had one last week that cause me to run and knock on neighbors doors.. who I never even talked to before can you say embarrassing..
I just want to clarify for everyone that I wasn't on steroids when this happened.. I was saying that the panic attack was 'on steroids', like it was extra intense. So it wasn't a medication side effect. I kind of wish it was, that way I'd have some sort of explanation for how bad it was.