I have a headache, I feel weird in general, I’m super tired, feel like I can’t think right, always uncomfortable when I’m alone, get heavy mouth muscles/tongue whenever I’m even the slightest bit anxious or uncomfortable. Is this all anxiety? I always think something more is wrong or that I’m suffering more than others
Anxiety?: I have a headache, I feel weird in... - Anxiety Support
Have you tried talking to your dr about meds or switching etc?
I’m not on medication cause I had a bad reaction to Zoloft and no I wouldn’t go on pills again.

So sorry to hear, I had a bad reaction to one, which i never wanted to be on any but I had tried everything and felt like I had to, stopped that one and was put on the one I am on now. Still have my moments though.
Thank you very much. I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience with medication too. Do the things in my post I listed sound like anxiety though? Just wanna be sure you know how anxiety is..Makes is worry and honk the worst

yes 100% seriously its like reading stuff i wrote for months and weeks, and Im not saying it to make you feel better im telling you the truth. from muscles to eyes to my body feeling like it just wasnt functioning right. you name it I felt it.
Thank you for your reply. That is so true it’s like the symptoms are always changing it’s such a scary and uncomfortable thing to go through. Nice we have each other on this site for support and to share our stories with though. I am always thinking the worst with my symptoms and feel like I’m broken or something. Always a new and changing physical symptom. Going on 3 months being off of Zoloft and still suffering during my days it’s painful. I’m sorry you have to go through similar too

I suffered anxiety/depression/agoraphobia/ocd in my early 20's and it was nothing like these phsyical symptomns. I think cause this time around its more health anxiety plus im older and think the "change" is coming, so literally my hormones are all out of wack and all over the place, so any little pain (which i could sooo take any pain before, nothing and ibuprofen couldnt fix) now and pain and I think omg im a goner. lol
I can relate. It was like I had anxiety before but it was more nervousness than anything else never experienced physical symptoms or discomfort and now that’s all I go through and I constantly suffer health anxiety too it’s rough. I’m 22 and finding this hard everyday to go through but I keep going and tell myself one day this will be better....I can understand how you would feel that way I’m sorry it’s so uncomfortable isn’t it. It amazes me how anxiety can make us feel so many unpleasant symptoms I literally feel like I’m having a stroke or gonna die every time I get one lol it’s brutal gets me every time too I think “yup this time it’ll happen for sure oh god” then the panic starts to kick in. Uggggh

yep, i went from im losing my mind, to thinking my arms were going to be paralyzed and my legs (cause at times my legs are shaky, but my lower back is horrible so now i blame it on that) you name it I thought it. and would tell the drs to run every damn test in the book which they have and still I wouldnt believe them lol
and at times thinking im going blind, im at work right now and everything always seems fuzzy, dont know how i get my work done lol
That is the worst I get that too and Confusion/forgetfulness. Feels like my thoughts are all mixed up and when I speak it sounds normal but sometimes I don’t think it does
It’s crazy isn’t it? Wow I go through the same. For about a month (still sometimes) I worry my brain will just stop working it’s so scary. But my newest worry is of a stroke that terrifies me. Especially being home alone for 11 hours a day. Have you found any good ways to help cope with any of these problems?

i keep busy, i work 40 hrs then after work someone is always inviting me over for supper (which is great) then i go home around 7-8 pm which night time is the best time for me where i actually feel "normal"
That’s great you’re really lucky you can keep so busy I hear ya I feel more normal at night too for some reason

I find when im idle is when my brain starts going so i make by body move.. do you have any pets? maybe that'l help. (my counselor told me to get one, but im never home so couldnt do that to the poor thing, unless I got a fish lol)
That true. Yeah it’s so funny you mention that whenever I go out somewhere with my family I am totally normal and happy being out it’s when I’m at home all alone that I feel terrible and seem to experience all these crazy symptoms then I worry about what they could mean. Yes I have a dog he’s 2 he likes to sleep a lot he just hangs out with me most days

and its so weird cause i always loved being home alone when my ex was out etc and now that I am its like huh what the heck happened. and its not that I'm scared I just have no one to yell/talk or laugh with lol
Right it’s weird being home alone. It’s like nice to have humans around. Without people and contact it’s almost like you don’t even feel real or human that’s how I get anyway

yessss I so know what you mean.
Ugh I feel so awful right now I can’t even describe it. I feel like I’m existing but I feel like something is “off” like I keep making sure nothing and is happening to me. I went to bed at midnight last night cause we were setting up for Christmas. Everyone says I’m just over tired

it def could be due from lack of sleep.
Yes hopefully that’s all it is. I have to wake up everyday at 6:30am then I’m alone all day until 6pm and I stay awake cause I’m too afraid to sleep when nobody is home cause I often wake up really confused. I’ve been feeling terrible all day though it’s so hard to describe. I was dozing off earlier then would get panicked haha

yep when i take naps which is rare cause i dont like to, i wake up wicked confused and panicking like where am I what happened etc. Have you ever tried taking magnesium, I take one 400mg one at night with my chamomile tea.
Exactly! You explained it perfectly. Do you think the “odd” feeling I’m having is from a lack of sleep? No I’ve never taken magnesium what do they help with? I was told to take Vitamin D but haven’t yet lol

sounds like anxiety and lack of sleep, mangesium helps calm muscles and body all together, I take vitamin d also.
Do you find that the Vitamin D helps? I picked up a bottle of the Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3’s Just hesitant to take stuff now cause of my reaction to Zoloft it literally traumatized me 😳 Yes thank you I’m sure that’s all it is is anxiety and lack of sleep. I’ll just try to relax and not worry

eh I dont notice much difference but i also lack iron which im also on iron pills twice a day. Never had any of these problems before, sucks getting old lol
I hear you lol don’t worry guess all we can do is try
I just wrote a new post about the way I’m feeling it’s uncomfortable and my heart rate is high
Hello JacknJill,
Yes, anxiety can cause a variety of symptoms, as well as some medications: I constantly have a cool drink with me due to the anxiety and one medication cause mouth dryness due to less saliva being produced. From your other post today, you indicated you had a busy weekend and didn't get to bed until late last night, That could cause your body to be out of synch, too. Hope you sleep well tonight and feel better tomorrow.