Hi, I really don't know how to state or start this so imma just wing it. Last Saturday I had my first panic attack, at first I didn't know what it was or why it happened but I later on found out when my friend brought me to the hospital. I've never been so scared in my life, I literally felt I was dying and if that wasn't enough. The next couple days were awful even though I didn't experience another... I lost my sense of life. I felt dull and expectant and to make matters worse I kept feeling my heart and breathing in and out heavily and that made my friends curious and scared of my well being. After awhile I decided enough is enough and got down on my knees and pray. The Lord answered my prayers and now I haven't felt that way since. I know I can't get over it nor can I stop it from happening again but I'm a firm believer that prayer helps move mountains. Don't be afraid, I know how it feels and I'm here to remind you that God is real and he will help.
Thank you for reading.