I am sufferer of health anxiety for about 20 years & this year I have been particularly anxious. Just recently my right foot and right hand feel odd like numb, but weird & the more I think the worse it gets... Now I am thinking all sorts like some sort of neurological disease. Has anyone else had this with anxiety?
Numbness: I am sufferer of health anxiety... - Anxiety Support

Yes I'm OK Ta, I have imagined all sorts of illness on myself over the years so I shall give my brain a chance to forget about this and see if it goes.
I try to watch something to take my mind off it & usually when I forget, I don't feel anything, so I am guessing that's a good sign. I go the gym most days & that helps keep me calm, just sometimes the anxiety takes over.
Friends as its funny Or box sets.
I love Bottom and watch them over and over. They actually got me through my break up with my Ex about 5 years ago. Just sometimes I get into a rut thinking about an illness and I can't get rid of it no matter how hard I try.
Aw I do love that one.
Yes, I love the young ones too. Defo, that's a good way to look at it I noticed on one of your other post's that you have had an internal tremor? Well I get that too, and that's what has kicked off this bout of anxiety.
Hi Janey, I have this too and so do a lot of people. I recently just got sciatica from anxiety and now that area of the sciatica nerve is numb. I actually went to the hospital for it, I was terrified. Everything turned out alright so far. I still have the numbness and pinched nerve so just waiting for it to hopefully go away on its own. I'm going to my chiropractor and she said it would go away. The nerves really do play a big part in anxiety. It's very scary when it's happening so I know how you feel. I think we all have to learn how to deal better with negativity and anxious thoughts. I think we also have to stop worrying about getting sick and dying. I think a lot of people on here have that problem. Maybe we're too much into our own heads and we need to get out. It's like being trapped in a dark basement. I know for myself I have personal issues in my life that I have to deal with and its really hard when those issues are brought on by someone you live with who is extremely negative. Most times I'm happy and content. I smile at everyone I meet or pass by, I say hello to strangers if they cross my path. I'm a really nice person and for the most part positive but I live with someone who is the complete opposite of my self and his negativity rubs off on me. I try not to pick up on his negativity but at times he can be so over bearing its really hard to deal with. Anyway my point of is that I think we're all trapped in these dark basements (our minds) for whatever reason and we need to find the light to get out.
Hi Tina22
Thank you so much for your reply it has eased my mind about my feelings. I can so relate to you on many levels, I try to tell myself its a pinched nerve and I have an app with a Chiropractor in 2 weeks, so hopefully I can get to the bottom of it. I had a kidney problem this year and had to have all sorts of tests, so far nothing has been found which I should be happy about, but I lived in constant fear for months of Cancer or something equally awful. I guess its the after effects I am feeling now, the tremors, cold numbness and butterflies in my tummy. Anxiety is evil.
Yes i knw wat u feeling
I'm exactly the same and even when in told it's OK I still woder if they missed something. I sometimes think my head will explode because of how much I over think. Can't remember when I last felt content.