I just woke up and My right leg Git numb out of no where! The tingly ness got stronger and I couldn’t feel my leg. This never happened to me before! So I freaked Out! And Now I’m in full blow panic mode... shaking trembling nauseous etc etc.. has anyone ever experienced something like this before???? This was really scary
Numbness on leg??: I just woke up and My... - Anxiety Support
Numbness on leg??

Hi Mindfulnessxo, this happens many times while we are sleeping, we can be putting pressure on a nerve, causing it to go to sleep(tingly) Moving it around will usually cause the circulation to come back and you'll be okay. How are you right now??
This was a weird one because I’ve had my leg fall asleep before but it got worse and stiff when I was trying to wake it up now it’s just a shaky leg 😞 caused me to go into panic
I'm not a doctor and can only go by what I have experienced at times. I think the shakiness can be coming from your fear causing your nerves to over react. If it is something that causes you a lot of concern or doesn't go away then by all means give your doctor a call. I know with myself, once I would focus on something that's a different physical sensation and get scared, it will progress to yet another symptom as our mind is powerful in getting us to pay attention. And it has. Let us know how you
are doing a little later. Make sure you hydrate. xx
Agora1 is right, Mindfulnessxo, clearly you slept at an awkward angle on the leg in question maybe for several hours and it either put pressure on a nerve or temporarily cut the blood flow to some artery.
It may feel strange for a while but if it lingers ask your doctor's opinion but it will no doubt clear up on its own.
When you experience anxiety imagination can run riot but I'm certain your leg is going to be fine.
a few days ago I had numbness on ONE SIDE of my left leg all day for 2 days...it was really freaking me out....and it did not feel like it was asleep it just felt numb and tingly.....it is definitely nerves of some kind....not sure why but it scared me too but it is gone now thank goodness.....I have a lot of spinal issues... I have degenerative disk disease and herniated discs in my back and neck....and lumbar too....so I chocked my up to being from that...but I would think if it doesn't get better in a few days call the doctor....I always worry about strokes too especially when it is only on one side....so ask your doctor about that...I hope it goes away soon ....
Sorry to hear that! Hope your doing well now! Mines actually went away so it could’ve been a nerve... but all is good
For about a year I've noticed that if I stand around for too long the side and front of my right leg above the knee become numb. It's ok walking, sitting and lying down but standing longer than 10 minutes brings it on. If I sit down or rub it it disappears in an instant.
It turns out to be a nerve in my right hip that is getting pressure put on it, this nerve serves the skin in the said area. There is a name for it but I've forgotten it.
So pinched nerves can cause these numbness feelings.