Hi I'm new to this group and was wondering what suggestions any of you have for me that help you manage your anxiety no matter the kind. Anything and everything is helpful with how bad my anxiety has been getting lately.
Advice: Hi I'm new to this group and was... - Anxiety Support

No I haven't what is it
Slow deep breathing. Realizing that everything is okay. I think a lot of the time we are so caught up in our own minds that we ignore the present. Deep breaths...
If you haven't seen a Dr. You really should, tell them how your feeling. I had to try a couple of different ones before I found a Dr. who understood. Meds helped for me, but not everyone wants to go that route.
I would suggest reading up about anxiety to understand it better. Daily meditation (doesn't have to be long sessions - 5 mns to start with) using an app (there are lots available). Walking regularly if you can, doing things mindfully... You can beat it and you can go back to a normal life.
With my very best wishes.
I've had some positive results managing my anxiety as I'm applying the concept of ACT- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and MBCT - Mindfully Based Cognitive Therapy
Free, natural and DIY....
Here are some videos (short) that shed light on these treatments. Best of all they are free, all natural and do it yourself.
Feel free to share and explore. There are several other videos, books and websites. Google it.
The struggle switch
Example of taking ACTion
The 6 key tennants of ACT
A visual excercise
MBCT Explained. TED talk
MBCT Free guided meditation excercise
(Start with the short ones)