Please help : Hello everyone in just going... - Anxiety Support

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Please help

SarahKaayy profile image
26 Replies

Hello everyone in just going to jump right into this. Forgive me if this post is all over the place. I am a 20 year old female, I will be 21 in a few weeks. For the past few days I have been feeling like I am going crazy. The symptoms I have been getting are mainly thoughts that I am going crazy/ thoughts that something bad is going to or is happening, a tingling sensation in my chest, and feeling disconnected from myself and my surroundings. These thoughts and feelings are really bothering me. I have had these types of things before but they weren't as bad. My brother is a paranoid schizophrenic and my BIGGEST fear is that I am going to end up like him. That is all I think about when I have these "attacks". I looked up panic disorder and I feel that's what I am experiencing. Im worried that this is something serious and that this will not go away. Please anyone answer me. Sorry if this post is confusing or anything. Im just very desperate at this point.

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SarahKaayy profile image
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26 Replies
HopingCat profile image

Do you feel like you are in a dream? Or that you are detached from yourself and looking at yourself from a screen or from up top? To people and places seem unfamiliar?

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to HopingCat

I have felt that before but that isn't currently what I am experiencing. It's more like I am just detached from everyone. Kinda like i feel numb to ever

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to SarahKaayy

To everything*

suzanne1217 profile image

You're scaring yourself and it's perpetuating the cycle and increasing the thoughts. I went thru a period where I thought what if I became suicidal. It scared me so bad it wouldn't stop popping up in my head. They're just thoughts, let them come, don't react and in time they'll quit popping up.

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to suzanne1217

Thank you for your reply. I do keep trying to tell myself that im fine and it's just my mind playing with me. I hope that's all it is.

suzanne1217 profile image
suzanne1217 in reply to SarahKaayy

All people have intrusive thoughts, ALL people. The difference is that no matter how bizarre it doesn't scare them. Don't let them scare you and they'll go away. In time, all of this will go away.

veronica20 profile image

Hey there,

I'm also a 20y/o female and what you're describing does sound like a panic attack to me. I've experienced three in the last week and trust me I know how you're feeling and it's awful.

I'm in no way a doctor or have any sort of medical training so I'm only speaking on my own experience.

Firstly, it's so important not to compare yourself to your brother. I know it's hard not to and I can relate, my sister and mum both suffered clinical depression (my sister still does) and I would constantly be thinking "please god I don't want that"!!

When you feel these panics happening, do you remember what it was that you were thinking about? And when you have them what happens?

So for me firstly I go dizzy, then my heart races and I become sweaty, trembly and everything is muffled and there's ringing in my ears. Fortunately I am learning to understand my triggers and deal with them when I first get that wave of dizziness.

What I suggest is starting off with is a bit of research into panic attacks as it is so helpful to understand what's happening to your body. For me, I know when it's about to happen so I go into a quiet room and remind myself that IT IS ALL GOING TO BE OK. It is just my body having a 'fight or flight' reaction to catastrophic thinking.

I have so, so much more to say but wanted to get this reply to you as quickly as possible so message me if you need anything else.


SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to veronica20

Yes that ringing in the ears! That's what originally made me think that I was going to end up like my brother. It started as a normal day, I was about to put on my makeup and I noticed that there was a ringing in my ears and I remember my brother went to the doctor for the same thing, they said it was Tinnitus. Then I remembered seeing online that schizophrenics often complain of having Tinnitus. From that thought I started getting a funny feeling in my chest and my mind just went all over the place and I completely freaked out. Then I seen that anxiety and ringing in the ears is common and I

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to SarahKaayy

And I felt a bit more secure

veronica20 profile image
veronica20 in reply to SarahKaayy

I can completely relate to your thought process!! It seems that the ringing in your ears was the trigger and then your brain just went into that catastrophic thinking and 'fight or flight' mode (look it up if you haven't already it will provide some comfort) causing a panic attack. Schizophrenic's may complain about tinnitus but it's also just a side effect from a panic attack, or it can be actually just a temporary thing?? It's like sometimes I get really panicky about having sore boobs but then I realise that happens to women... My first panic attack I was convinced dying but twenty minutes later I had calmed down, done some research typed in all the symptoms and actually laughed in relief that it was a panic attack because then I knew I was physically okay.

A website recommended to me is called NO PANIC and you can actually ring up a helpline if your symptoms are really bad... How are you feeling now?

veronica20 profile image
veronica20 in reply to veronica20

last night I downloaded this app called Companion which has some really, really helpful tools for panic and anxiety, there's also a 15 minute audio relaxation tape which I'll admit I was reluctant to use but this morning I woke up feeling so much better. Placebo or not I was feeling less anxious and managed to get through the day without a dizzy spell!

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to veronica20

The times when I am having an attack my mind is just telling me that somethings wrong and the way im feeling and thinking isn't "normal". I just sit there and try to feel out my physical symptoms and for my mind, I just tell myself that I am in control. Rightnow I feel relaxed. When I was writing my original post on here I was feeling horrible. Now I feel more comforted knowing that there are people who have been through the same thing and who are encouraging (:

veronica20 profile image

I'm glad you feel more relaxed now because I hope it reassures you that it does pass and with time you'll learn to deal with it a lot quicker once you understand all the triggers and feelings! So many things can set off a panic attack, for example yesterday I was walking home from work and as I walked uphill my heart rate obviously went up through effort but that elevated heart rate reminded me of the attack I had the day before, I started feeling dizzy and started hearing the ringing so I had to stop. But I quickly identified the trigger and was able to calm myself down enough to carry on up the hill and get home. Once I was home again I just shook my head and told myself I was being silly. Crazy how our minds work!!

Sometimes all you need is someone to tell you that you aren't on your own and that more people than you realise go through the same thing and come out the other side :)

If you ever want to chat further or anything just send me a message and I'd be happy to listen to your experiences and give advice or share mine should you need - as you can see I'm up all sorts of hours of the day! X

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to veronica20

Thank you very much for all of your kind and helpful words! (: It really means so much to me (:

I am so glad you had such good response and very real, truthful information. You really do seem to be having anxiety hit you hard at times. If it were panic attacks, they would only last about ten minutes or less. About your worry about having your brother's difficulties, you are getting a bit older than when that situation usually shows its ugly head. At one time I was a therapist working with his condition, and your symptoms really are not the same. I don't know you from your posts, but would be helpfu for you to seek a professional that would not automatically prescrie medication, but to the approach you with try to help you distinguish what was caused by your over sensitivity to natural life occurances....write them down or take some of your posts and the replies, if you print them out to take to your professional help. They can read in 3 minutes what may take you an hour to try to explain. Guess you saw that no matter what time of day or night, there are very good people in this venue somewhere in the world checking posts and responding to them. You are important to us. xoxo. If you can, perhaps you post a general "thank you for being there" type of post. We are so relieved to see those.

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to

Thank you for all your information! It really put my mind at ease a bit more (: And YES I definitely will be writing a thank you post sometime today (:

johncraig profile image

As you can see sarahkaayy you are not alone and many people beat this and many of us learn to cope with it.

iI's tough but doable and you've taken the right first steps to doing that..I wish you well..john.

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to johncraig

Thank you soo much, you're very kind (:

I know exactly what you're talking about. I've been dealing with the same symptoms my self too. I also thought that I was becoming schizophrenic, I have and aunt that's schizophrenic. Though, i don't know what it looks like or anything I pretty much convinced my self I was developing because I was having new symptoms of anxiety. I was told that I show no signs of schizophrenia. even thought I was told I still feel like there's something terribly wrong with me. I also feel like I'm going crazy and sometimes it's hard to get a hold of my thoughts. I have fear all the time, the scary feeling in the pit of my stomach like if something bad is happening, or about to happen. The thoughts are so hard to control! The adrenaline rush that turns into tremors, I'm constantly aware of my hearing because I ain't trying to hear things. When I hear something unfamiliar i go straight into panic mode. The adrenaline rush turns into tremors, and I feel like that's it for me, like I'm gone crazy, yet I'm here typing, not crazy! Everything is fine and everything will be fine. You just gotta remind your self that no matter what you feel, or think that you're gonna be fine, you've had these attacks before right? How many times have you actually gone crazy? None. Just remind your self that! Everything will be fine.

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to

Thank you for sharing your experiences (: It really made me feel more secure. I too panic when I hear an unfamiliar sound because i feel like im starting to hear things. Sometimes when Im having these anxiety attacks I somehow even convince myself that Im going to start having hallucinations at any time. I think like that because when my brother was really starting to have symptoms of schizophrenia he was about 17 and one time he went to the eye doctor and complained that he kept seeing something black pass by both of his eyes. Im guessing that was the starting of his hallucinations. So when I see even a little flash of light in my vision I panic, but I know deep down inside that everyone has little things like that happen to them.

Try getting out and find the beautyin the world goto a park museum zoo go garage saling anything just enjoy life

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to

I will try to do that more often (:

Mimillian profile image

I have a brother who had paranoid schizophrenia and he recently passed away. I am dealing with my anxiety disorder. These two are different disorders. You need to see a psychiatrist for diagnosis and treatment. You have to take the initiative, effort, and commitment to get better. You are not alone in this struggle. Be strong and persevere. May God bless you and help you. For all of us.

SarahKaayy profile image
SarahKaayy in reply to Mimillian

Im so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing with me. I feel l

Agora1 profile image

Hi SarahKaayy, your post wasn't confusing or all over the place. You have some genuine thought provoking fears going on. One of them being you may be going crazy and the other the fear you may end up like your brother. Anyone who is crazy (mentally ill) would not even know it. They would feel normal and just act out. As for your brother being paranoid schizophrenic, only a psychiatrist would be able to diagnose you (not yourself)

As PTSDforyears stated, what you are experiencing is more Anxiety related since Panic attacks are more horrific and short lived. It sounds like you may be going through Free Floating Anxiety, it still produces adrenaline rushes but at a more up and down pace, leaving little time when you are completely adrenaline free.

Seeing a therapist may help reduce some of your anxiety and concerns over this issue. You probably wouldn't need medication as much as you need reassurance that you are not seriously mentally ill. We are all here for you SarahKaayy. You are never alone. x

kelli333 profile image

Perhaps you should see a psychiatrist. Only a professional can diagnosis you. But make sure it's a good psychiatrist that actually cares and takes time to for your consultation. Follow your gut for which Doctor truly takes his job seriously and cares about his patients. I wish you the best and I hope it's just mild anxiety and not schizophrenia. I'll pray for you.

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