Anxiety is not to be underestimated. - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety is not to be underestimated.

27 Replies

when people hear you say "i have anxiety" they think "oh I'm nervous about failing my test" those people do not have anxiety, they're worried about something completely normal.* Whereas you and I, have anxiety. They think you can just shut it off and all goes away, wrong. It doesn't work like that for us. Well at least for me it doesn't. It annoys me to hear people say think of something else, distract your mind, stop thinking about whatever gives you anxiety. My anxiety comes from my brain literally having a mind of its own. IT TAKES CONTROL . I can be sitting watching tv and I'll have anxiety or a panic attack. It takes control on its own and you can't control it without help. There simply isn't just any old off switch that works for anxiety. Worrying is apart of life, but overly worried isn't. It's not normal to fear irrational things, it's not normal to feel like you're on a bad drug trip and you've never taken any. Thats what anxiety feels like. It doesn't even feel like you, it feels like your brain has a mind of its own and you can't stop it. When you think too much about thinking too much your freak out. Anxiety knows how to control you. Don't tell me just stop because I can't. Maybe some people can, but if you can chances are you wouldn't even be on this page. Anxiety is a very real, scary thing. Don't underestimate it... and I think the only ones who underestimate it, are the ones who don't have it. Are the ones who've never experienced it. An anxiety survivor who has beat the bastard can look back and empathize with you, won't tell you to just get over it. They'll try to help you. They won't tell you suck it up like you've lost your favorite socks and you can just get a new pair. They'll share with you their trials and you'll feel like they're pulling the words out of your mouth because they've actually been through it. Anxiety is a very real thing and people underrate it. They make it seem like you can just smoke pot and it'll go away because you're stressed. No. It's a very real thing, its not just about being worried about something, it's about it taking control. Only people who suffer from anxiety or who've suffered know what it feels like. And it's scary. It can ruin your life, it interferes, it does interfere. And it sucks. So if you happen to be someone reading this post by chance, don't underestimate the power of anxiety. Support the person you know who's going through it. It's not easy. I've thought about suicide because of it. It's real and it sucks.

* You can be a person who worries about failing a test with anxiety, but most people if not all are nervous about failing a test which is normal. It's when it interferes with your normal life that it's not normal, I'm not saying it's impossible.

27 Replies
RyRywifey profile image

🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 this is sooooo truuueee.. my BF gets frustrated with me sometimes and so does my mom, telling me "you better stop thinking like that" "you need to stop" or "don't think like that or about stuff like that" and it's like damn you think I would if I knew how NOT TO????? it's really so tiring being judged and not understood. It's so lonely you know.. and frankly it's annoying to hear people say "omg I have so much anxiety, I hope I get this gig" or whatever may be the case, like hunni, that's not A N X I E T Y... it just feels like a slap in the face because people, including myself are really suffering from this shit and it's like silent screams to the rest of the world that doesn't have it

in reply toRyRywifey

Yes it's sooooo frustrating because we can't just turn it off. People use the word anxiety so freely that it makes us almost seem crazy when we say we have it and they say get over it and we say we can't. They look at us like it's not that serious and that's the worst feeling in the world . If you ever need someone to talk to I'm all ears. You're not alone.

RyRywifey profile image
RyRywifey in reply to

Yes!!!! I swear I thought it was just me.. like I've realized that nowhere but on here is where im understood, where we're understood you know.. okay girl I will def keep in touch thank you so much for your post. And same here, you're not alone either, I'm here to listen and talk as well 😌🌸

in reply toRyRywifey

Thank you, i feel the same way like here is the only place where people can understand me. but it starts somewhere, don't worry we will be ok !

Jodz profile image

ShiDani 👏👏👏👏🙌🙌 bloody spot on !! This is me to a T . THANKYOU for witting this and I actually read it twice . Yep every word is spot on .

in reply toJodz

I'm glad it can help a little 😊

Yeah I have suicidal thoughts a lot , I'm trying to overcome it. Just try to remember things never stay the same. And that it's better to stay and fight then to let anxiety win. Have you tried talk therapy? Try to make a list of what you're having anxiety about. Make a pros and a con list , on the pros put things that support what you're having anxiety about. On the cons put the real evidence that supports why it's something not worth having it about. And if the pros outweigh the cons what can you do to Change it. Sorta like + and - . The + is supporting anxiety the - is saying man this is all in my head. Keep a journal. And something will work, don't think that nothing is the answer. You'll find something that helps you. If you ever need someone to listen I'm here for you. Things will get better.

Sergio5 profile image

ANXIETY sucks man my symptoms everyday are krazy I can't stand how krazy I feel I'm gonna start taking my Zoloft again I'm worried about taking pills again but I gotta do something about this

in reply toSergio5

why're you worried about taking them again? you can message me if you want to talk. it DOES SUCK . and i hate it sooo much but i can't give up and i don't want anyone to give up either. is they're any other pills they can put u on? i don't really know too much about the medicine i haven't gotten my psychiatrist yet because i'm on a wait list until july.

have you ever thought maybe it was something else then? like anxiety can also be a result of other things. even having auto immune diseases , a lot of other health issues can cause it. don't give up even if you feel like you've tried everything. don't let anxiety win. i know its easier said than done but trust me i get it. i sometimes feel like that too. but it could be other things.

in the meantime i go to counseling some days i feel like counseling works others i feel like how is talking to someone on tuesday gonna stop me from having a panic attack on friday. those panic attacks are scary, feels like a bad drug trip . like I'm not even myself or fully aware.

Daniellesparkles profile image


aw that makes me so sad to hear. but honestly there has to be something you can do. i know its probably annoying to hear but talking to someone, doing activities you like. it sucks that you've had to deal with this for so long and it makes you lose hope, but i hope that you find something that helps you. keep looking on here for things to try, do research, workout when you feel a panic attack coming on just please don't give up. the mind is a powerful thing, maybe even try to change your way of thinking like try to think about things that make you happy, keep busy , that sorta stuff , find a hobby. even though its hard please don't give up, sometimes i feel like that too like is there ever away to get back to how i was before this, and the answer is probably not. so now i have to focus on building a new me around anxiety and depression and focus on beating it. the best thing for me to do is keep busy. sometimes when i keep busy i still can have a panic attack, but then ill find something else to do until that stops working. keep in your mind theres always something else. and i know 5 years is a long time, 5 months is a long time, to not feel okay even 5 days. but i absolutely don't want you to give up or lose hope. as being a doctor i know you know they're are new things developing everyday, try to even use that to look into stuff yourself. but don't give up on yourself or on beating it, thats the worst thing you can do. and things do get better but you have to take control and make them get better. i hope that it does get better for you, and i can understand why you would feel like whats the point if you think you've tried everything, do what makes you happy, do what you love, and still talk to someone about everything you feel in your heart, you never know when you'll have your breakthrough! Anxiety sucks and depression sucks, but it is beatable and treatable. and they're are all types of things that can cause anxiety think about all your symptoms , write them down so you don't leave one out, and even do research on all of them together, and test for things even though you've said you've had test. my mom after about 20 years found out she has Lupus, Sarcoidosis (NOT SURE IM SPELLING IT RIGHT) and another auto immune , after 20 years of being misdiagnosed. and she still feels like crap but at least she knows she wasn't crazy the whole time. they've even called her a hypochondriac because they didn't believe her. But 20 years later they do! Live your life, it will happen for you. Now even though theres no cure, theres treatment, and even though she doesn't feel better 100% at least she knows and she can live her life and adjust accordingly. No one is perfect, doctors don't know everything, but you know how you're feeling and thats a very real thing. Do not give up, keep trying to find out whats wrong with you, don't give up because you will get a conclusion , keep trying to beat it or manage it. I'm not saying the world is rainbows and flowers and teddy bears and everything will be okay, but with trail things become manageable, you learn how to live and be a little happier, even when things are shitty. thats because you don't give up and you fight it, you find something that can make it manageable, but don't give up until you do. i'm going to take my own advice. But i hope you really find your strength , the one that helps you keep on trying . i just ask of you to not give up, don't let it win because those 5 years you've fought weren't for nothing . You're a very strong person to have gone through all that you have, continue to find strength and i don't know if you're a religious person but i will pray for you. if you ever need to talk i am here.

yesss my panic attacks feel like a bad acid trip. i lose my sense of self and all ability to think rationally. the only thoughts in my head are "im dying im dying im gonna have a seizure im gonna faint" a moment of clarity and then "oh my god im losing my mind" and the cycle just continues. the atmosphere of everything and everyone around me goes from feeling somewhat normal to feeling like a horror movie. the best feeling ever is when it finally stops and i can take a nap lol. you are spot on. anytime another person tells me they have bad anxiety im skeptical.

in reply to

yeah i feel like people don't understand. even in movies its like the word anxiety just means I'm afraid i might fail this test or something. they use it so freely and its so unfair to the people who actually have anxiety or panic disorders. i think what you have is a panic disorder , have you went to the doctor?

in reply to

oh yeah, i see a therapist and psychiatrist, have had all the tests done, all that good stuff. it's better but i can't stop it completely yet.

in reply to

and thats okay, things do get better with time as long as you're doing something to help it get better. I'm happy things are better for you. just keep doing what works for you ! i hope things continue to get better in time !

what are your hobbies, or things you enjoy to do?

can you pinpoint what you're stressed about, and what you're anxiety is about? i have panic attacks that are happening for no reason i think thats more so panic disorder but, some people are able to pinpoint whats causing theirs...

Belo profile image

I neva thot i would find a post that is sooo spot on on anxiety. Its just so difficult to come out of. . Some days r soo good but some are soooooooo bad. Am glad that am getting better with all this anxiety. . . Hearing about death just sets it off. Or about pple dying in an accident sets it off. The friend i confided in, thinks that am just some crazy psn.. its soo difficult to explain to someone how it all feels.

in reply toBelo

its so hard for a person to empathize with you if they're not going through it themselves, if they've never gone through it or aren't going through it they can't empathize ! Listen, death is inevitable but you have to start giving yourself some credit! You have to give yourself confidence. You're okay. If you're not sick then you've got good health. Someone who suffers from cancer, thats so terrible, its heartbreaking and it isn't right and it can happen to any one of us, but you have your facts, i assume you have good health, and sure people die and people get into accidents or get sick, but that isn't your truth. you have your own truth. just because one thing happens to Lisa and Susan doesn't mean its gonna happen to Belo, because someone dies in an accident doesn't mean its going to happen to you. life doesn't work that way. we each have our own individual lives to live and thats what we have to start doing, living it. we can have sympathy and be their for the ones who are suffering but that doesn't mean we get to be afraid that were going to have stuff happen to us. and if that ever occurs, you take one step at a time across that bridge and you have others to help you get across. Don't worry about a bridge that hasn't even been built. Your bridge is your anxiety, fight like hell to cross it but don't try to cross a bridge that doesn't belong to you if that makes sense. you gotta find your inner fight. don't walk around this world afraid to make it your own. if Lisa down the street has Lupus, you help lisa down the street cross over that bridge, you don't stop walking over your own or start worrying because thats when you miss a step. and bad things happen to good people which makes it unfair also, but you have your own bridge, cross your own bridge don't try to build one on your own because thats what you're doing right now by freaking out because things are happening to others. let life build the bridges you need to cross for you. and some bridges won't ever get built and some will, good and bad bridges, but you walk over that bridge just like you did to the last one. I know you've crossed over some tough things before, and you've gotten across them, you will do the same for each one. don't worry about a bridge that isn't in your path buts in someone else's , help them over but don't make it your own, because you have your own. everybody needs someone and sometimes its really good to help others get over their trails, but don't think that their trails are your trails, let life build its own bridge when you need to get across. i hope this helps

in reply to

you can't worry about things until you have a reason to, and i know thats something thats hard to do with anxiety because i get it but put in your mind every time you think about things that scare you or worry you, do i have a FACTUAL REASON to be worried or scared? Do i have evidence that supports my worry

Belo profile image
Belo in reply to

Thank you so much. . .

in reply toBelo

I'm always here if u ever wanna talk to someone who knows what its like, i hope things get a little better for you.

Larslo profile image

Hi there. I'd like to help. Are you saying that anxiety contributed to these losses or is it the other way around?

in reply toLarslo

I assumed that the losses contributed to anxiety

I wish I knew something i can say to help or something I can suggest. But I hope you find something that helps . Anxiety really sucks. I hope you find a way to get back up. Don't let anxiety win.

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