I suffer from health anxiety. It isn't constant....mainly when I am sick. My worst fear is diabetes. It sometimes consumes me....I am constantly googling symptoms and seeking reassurance
Health anxiety: I suffer from health anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Health anxiety
Tnmommy, have you had a diabetes test? That should reassure you or warn you to take evasive action like keeping weight down, cutting down on sugar and carbs, eating more lean protein and veg and fruit. But don't go for a diabetes blood test if you're experiencing high anxiety, when we're anxious the liver thinks we're in a fight or flight situation and releases more glucose into the bloodstream for extra energy. I went for a blood sugar test a few months ago, very anxious because of a plumbing leak andwe were just about to go on holiday, the test came back positive, it was a false high because of the anxiety extra glucose thing, but try convincing the duabetes nurse about that.
Unless yoy've been told you have a diabetes problem there's no reason for you to worry, don't trust Doctor Google by the way, he never went to medical school and should be struck off the register, last few years he's diagnosed me with liver disease, pancreatic cancer, abdominal wall pain, lung cancer, parkinsons, deep vein thrombosis and peripheral nerve damage but he's a liar, none of it was true, praise be to God. Doctor Google is a quack so don't take anything he tells you too serious!
I don't have Any of the symptoms...it's just that because it run in my.family I automaticallythink the worst and start to Google...I'm banning myself from Google lol
Hey buddy I banned myself from Google as well. Google will make you lose your mind and feel like its the end. If your doc doesn't tell you anything specific then you're good to go man. Anxiety will play these tricks on you and try to ruin our life. I'm going through it now I haven't been out and about in a month because of health anxiety and its making me depressed.
Hope4TheBest07, if you haven't been out and about in a month because of anxiety maybe today's the day to get out and about, just being outside in bright daylight is a tonic when you have anxiety, don't let it turn you into a recluse. So...take a slow deep breath, hold it a second, breathe out slowly, hold it, then another slow deep breath, do it a few times to get a burst of serotonin to brighten your mood, then head out for a walk round the park, the shops, wherever seems to beckon. As you start, feel every muscle in your body relaxing and just go, your legs WILL take you if jelly legs is the problem, if bad feelings come let them wash by you like the proverbial wave that crashes against the rock but the rock still stands.
I say 'Don't be cowed by a thought' because that's all anxiety is, organically it's not for real, don't let a few shorts in the electric grid of your nervous system rule your life. It's the same old thing I tell all comers I know, but if you can accept the bad feelings, really learn to accept them for a while, then you stop resensitising yourself and recovery begins. As for depression it's really only depletion of your mind and body for fighting for too long, you get d3pressed because of what anxiety is doing to your life, cure the anxiety and the depression soon passes.
Do what you fear and the death of fear is assured, that's so long as you accept and don't let initial fear turn into second fear, I talk in cliches I know but they're good cliches, proved by time again and again. All WILL be well, all manner of things will be well.
Understood, thank you for your kind words. Its just so scary with all this anxiety and fear. I used to be so outgoing and the life of the party. My family is starting to see a change in me, they ask me why I stay home and dont go out anymore. I used to go to my cousins house watvh the games etc. Its just sucks. I am missing an annual trip I usually take for my bday. If this was another time I would've went. Anxiety has a strong grip on my life man. I got a prescription to help me get out this rut but I have been waiting to try n fight this on my own but I feel so low. I check my pulse all the time and whenever I see something happen to someone online or news I think I'm next I can't enjoy anything. I have a baby on the way and can't even get excited because I feel so numb. Only feelings I can feel is sadness. I feel no motivation.... I was laid off right before my wedding a few months back.. Can't land a job. I went on some interviews and they didn't hire me. I have 3 coming up this week so I'm happy. My bday in a few days smh and I have no plans I'm broke I have issues with my funds right now..my unemployment is about to run out and my state doesn't have extensions.. I move in a few months and have to pay security and 1st month. Its just a lot.. Then anxiety creeps in and knocks me on my ass. I can't think positive at all I'm always thinking my health is bad its a nightmare.
I think recognising you have health anxiety is the most important thing you can do. I suffered from it for so long before realising that's what it was.
Basically all anxiety is an overreaction to threats to our survival that we perceive all around us. Diseases are obviously a massive threat to our survival so it's natural that some anxiety will be around these.
I think the only thing that's helped me is accepting my lack of control. There are certain things I can do to keep healthy - move more, eat moderately, don't smoke, drink minimally. But other than that, there's nothing I can do. What will be will be. And if I do one day get a disease, I'd rather have spent my healthy years living my life than worrying about what disease I'm going to get.