Please take the time to answer my question. - Anxiety Support

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Please take the time to answer my question.

Matt1122 profile image
18 Replies

Hello everyone!

Today one friend who hasn't seen me just saw me and told me " hey you look Paul, and hecka skinny" so my question is does anxiety make you lose weight and look pail? For the past couple weeks I been feeling dizzy, weak, tired, even sad idk why... I feel like I have something that is causing this sickness. I get stomach discomfort here and there and nasua. More than anything I have irrigolated bow movements... doctors have done test on me and they still going to do more and all they find is my blood levels changing up and down. At this moment my doctor says it could be anxiety because nothing major has show up..

I just need help to feel much better. I want to feel healthy again and look healthy

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Matt1122 profile image
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18 Replies
Icanbeathis2016 profile image

Well I can certainly say I'm dealing with the same thing. I've lost so much weight unintentionally it scares me like I have some other major problem and the doctors haven't found it. And i ask the same question. Can anxiety, stress, and depression make me lose weight like this. And i can say my appetite has decreased alot. It's not the same. I have irregular bowel movements too. I wasn't told I have ibs but it seems like it. Every other day I literally feel either fatigued, or depressed, or upset stomach, heart burn some times. Dizziness, lightheadedNess, or feeling things in my head. But all I know is I want to eat normal like I used to. I want to look mormal. People who hadn't saw me in a few months that all have said, "you look so skinny!" It tears me up I get heartbroken

Matt1122 profile image
Matt1122 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Everything you said is exactly me!! Eventing the tingling on my head or arms!

What test have they done on you?

Stay_strong85 profile image
Stay_strong85 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

I feel your pain. I am sorry. I am going through much similar things. Be well. We can pull through this.

Goldfish_ profile image

Try to stop thinking about yourself so much it's bad for your health. Try and focus on things outside yourself

patrica60 profile image
patrica60 in reply to Goldfish_

they are not intentionally thinking of themselves.its worrying for them.

Stay_strong85 profile image
Stay_strong85 in reply to Goldfish_

It doesn't work that way. But you may not understand fully how hard it is to do that. I have a very hard time focusing on things outside myself. Not because i don't want to...simply because sometimes it is very difficult and frightening especially when you have no direct support in person. Thank you for sharing though, I know you have good intentions.

Beon profile image

Huge weight loss,sore stomach,diahrea,swallowing probs,dizzy,unsteady,pains in limbs,sore muscles, racing heart,emptying bladder all the time,blurry vision,o.c.d,thoughts of every disease usually the nasty one..It's all stress, think of a disease and the mind will give you all the symptoms very quickly...

patrica60 profile image

when I was younger I was always getting told I was too thin and now I don't go out I get told I am pale so you are not my opinion the weight is due to anxiety.

Lando111 profile image

Everything you describe can absolutely be caused by stress - particularly anxiety. Have the tests to rule anything else out but if they all come back negative you should try your best to use that as a catalyst for overcoming the worry.

I know this is easier said than done but it is possible. Good luck.

Anxious2befree profile image

I lost a heap of weight, so nauseous, hair falling out, stomach pains, vomiting, lightheadedness and all sorts of other symptoms and yet I thought I had cancer and all my tests came back perfect. All the scans I had were fine they couldn't find anything at all. Then I started reassuring myself that there is nothing wrong and I started feeling not as sick, my hair loss stopped but this took me at least 6 months to finally eat and feel better. I lost over 30kilos and I can tell you it was aweful. Feeling better now and eating 3 meals a day but still anxious :/

Hi matt

Yes its possible for anxiety to do this to your body, when I've had several days/weeks of constant symptoms friend's have often commented on how awful.I look, weight loss, pale skin, spots, unkempt etc, anxiety seems to have no boundaries, its impact can be unbelievable, just got to hang in there and always remember your not alone with this suffering, we hear you, we understand :-) xxx

Lynl profile image

The good news is nothing g major has shown up. But I understand your seeking answers. Anxiety does a lot to your body but check yourself out with the necessary doctors to know what to treat and how

susannaylor profile image

Hello matt yes all that comes with anxiety x I lost 1 and a half stone in weight within a 6 weeks x couldn't eat kept on ferling sick x kept on going to the toilet about 6 times day x looked very pale and thin x had no appetite at all x all I eat was scrambled sgg and soup x and drank water x didn't want anything really x but lucky enough I gad my husband kn my case all the time x kept on doing food x but only what I could get didn't x as my throat felt like it was closing up x this anxiety is one hell of a oain to deal with x but I am feeling alot better now x 85% better x but does play up alot if having a drink of wine or having a spicy meal x no good then x so avoid them if you can x just don't let your brain take over your body x tell your brain that you are in control if your body x it does help with time x hope this helped you try and control thus bloody anxiety x good luck x

Matt1122 profile image

Do you guys also experience stomatch discomfort?

Stay_strong85 profile image
Stay_strong85 in reply to Matt1122


Icanbeathis2016 profile image
Icanbeathis2016 in reply to Matt1122

Yes big time. I even hear all kinds of noises gping on in my stomach.

susannaylor profile image
susannaylor in reply to Matt1122

Yes my stomache plays me up x feels like there something moving around in there some times x get lots of gas build up whuch is uncomfortable and painful

Stay_strong85 profile image

I know what you mean. Yes. Very much so. I lost a ton of weight myself and everyone around me says that i look way too skinny. The paleness is from not getting proper nutrition amd/ or panic because us high anxiety sufferers use up all our energy on our anxieties, fears, etc. Stomach issues are very common in people like us as well. Do not worry, once you are able to better control the anxiety or even get rid of it, the weight should come back. Lol, i say that yet I too am really struggling with my weight right now due to anxiety. All my blood work came back healthy so I have to realize and accept that anxiety is truly kicking my a**. Best of luck, don't worry, we are all in this together.

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