Hi everyone,
I am extremely scared right now. I woke up this morning feeling okay and then about a half hour later, my breathing started to feel weird... almost forced. It felt as if I stopped focusing on breathing, I would actually stop breathing. This got progressively worse on my way to school and once I got in class, I felt like I was suffocating. I felt sweaty, lightheaded, my chest felt really tight, and it was very hard to breathe. I haven't had any school stress lately because I haven't been having many assignments and tests. It was an easy day so I didn't see how anxiety could be the cause. Anyway, throughout the day I've been feeling that on and off. It is now 10:20pm and it's getting really bad. I am having difficulty breathing, chest pain, my heart is beating hard and fluttering every now and then, and it feels like there is an elephant sitting on my chest. I also feel lightheaded and my right arm feels weird. The tightness and pain in my chest is so bad its making me nauseous. I'm scared that there is something seriously wrong with me. I went to a heart specialist a few months back and they did all kinds of testing. Everything came back normal. But that was months ago. What if somethin changed? What if I'm having a heart attack? Or a collapsed lung? Or what if I suffocate and die? The scary part is I complain about phyiscal symptoms so often that its kinda like the boy who cried wolf situation. No one really believes me and pin it down to anxiety. I am so tempted to go to emerg right now. I have a gut feeling that something wrong.... but I can't tell if its just anxiety. I'm so afraid. (btw I'm a 17 year old girl with no history of heart or health problems other than anxiety).