Is there something in the air . Everyone's anxiety and mood is rife and at an all time low right now
In the air : Is there something in the air... - Anxiety Support
In the air
Don't know!!! but I'm finding things the same - afraid to contact anyone as all seems to be negative.
As we enter spring, the temperature starts getting warmer (at least where I live) not too hot not too cold. I feel like I do better when it is colder. When it's cold I have that thought in my head that it is cold, without that feeling, I start filling that void with negative thoughts and my thoughts start racing.
Idk maybe it's just me, but that's my theory =p
Yes I find the same.i think its maybe time of year or something!
That is actually an interesting observation. Cannot really say though that it's the season. But it is strange. Partially was blaming my period, and caffeine (which I'm no longer touching). I also wonder if it's genetics, found out my mom used to get panic attacks when she was 12, my sister too. I started at 33, and unlike them I can't seem to completely recover.
that's what I thought..
Yes I'm feeling the same! Heavy head pressure !! Low mood, achey and feel like crying! Just want it to end !!!!
Yes it's a strange team x