Anxiety medication?: I'm really anxious to... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety medication?

15 Replies

I'm really anxious to get on medication long term for my anxiety I feel I really need it though but I do not want to become a zombie off drugs. I'm torn between trying something or just suffering everyday but what if nothing helps anyways? I need some advice has anyone ever been in this situation before please let me know!

15 Replies
Aazz profile image

A lot of people have great success with medication and don't feel like zombies. You can try it and after 6-8 weeks when it is supposed to kick in if you feel you are not happy with it you can always come off the medication(with your doctors supervision of course). You won't know unless you try.

in reply to Aazz

Have you taken any meds that helped you?

Aazz profile image
Aazz in reply to

I have tried Zoloft and Paxil but unfortunately the side effects which is also increased anxiety freaked me out so much I could not get passed 5 days before giving up. I have thought about trying again but I'm too afraid although I really wish I could tough it out as maybe I would go back to normal. i was not given a benzo to go with the ssri I think that would have helped. Only after those 2 fails the phychiatrist prescribed lexapro and diazapam but I have just been too traumatized to try. So I would suggest that you ask for a benzo to get you through the 2 week adjustment period.

I do use diazapam occasionally and it does work however it makes you a little sleepy and is highly addictive so again I'm scared to use it on a regular basis Incase I get addicted I've heard withdrawal is a nightmare. I hope I'm not scaring you as I said in my first post medication has helped many people and you maybe one of them!

in reply to Aazz

Ugh I don't know what to do but thank you

lucasbear22 profile image

I tried meds for 3 days and honestly I felt so much worse people say if you can get through the side affects it will be worth it but I couldn't so I won't be trying meds again as I felt to weird and it frightened me but you may have more success so just try them and see what's best for you xx

in reply to lucasbear22

I will try but I am terrified, thank you so much :)

Spomales profile image

Hi McKay, give the old school med a try ... How about BUSPAR it really helps I had it for over two months it did take all my anxiety away the onjk thing I didn't take it a prescribed so I kind of had some physical symptoms of anxiety but it's my fault I'm sure if I would have followed through as taking I prob wouldn't have had any physical symptoms ... So that's what my psychiatrist prescribed me along with 10 pills of clonazepam .50mg each which I cut into four pieces making it 0.125mg a lower dose which seem to help me with my panic attacks and be days ... But be aware I only took this Clonazepam on my worst worst days that I had no control and couldn't cope with just the BUSPAR ... So yes it's a benzo and it can be addicting that's the reason I didn't take it all the time maybe once or twice a week for four months at a very low dose making sure I wouldn't get addicted to it and to make sure that when I stop taking it I wouldn't go through any crazy withdraws from it ... It help me get through the first fourt months now I have stopped my Meds with my Psychiatrist consent .. Always consult with your Doctor before stopping any Meds .. Also BUSPAR is blanket suppose to be addicting and they say people have no withdrawals from it but im here to tell you that yes you do get withdraws in experiencing some for about a week but been able to cope with it not so bad a few symptoms but I was only on it for no more then three months also at a low dose of 5mg once a day at times it could have gone up to 10mg twice a day or 5mg twice a day ... I started with 5mg once. Day the. Twice a day to make sure my body got used to it before reaching what my psych said would be ok for me which was 10mh twice a day .. So to give you a heads up I too the BUSPAR pretty much worked good just a few symptoms of physical anxiety but nothing I couldn't handle and when it did for bad I took that 1/4 of clonazepam and it got me through the rest of the day even for a few days at 0.125mg clonazepam every four days in went a whole month and a half with no need for benzo then I took it again so yes unusual works wonders for some U.S. But for others it's just a sugar pill .. To be on the safe side this would be a drug med to start off with .. Take care and God bless hope all is well

in reply to Spomales

Thank you for that :) I will talk to my psychiatrist about the bus par how bad was your anxiety prior to taking the medication mines pretty bad right now I'm constantly crying and feeling sick and panic attacks, shortness of breath and overall crap. I just need something to help me get back to myself

Spomales profile image

You can also try juicing go natural... Also a pill called Calms Forte by hylands they suppose to work wonders and they are all natural ... Try natural first before anything and eat healthy no sugars or white flour or bread wheat flour dairy ... Also have your Dr check all your vitamin levels ...

in reply to Spomales

Okay thank you so much I just feel so helpless I feel awful everyday

Spomales profile image

My symptoms are really and also I go through it all the time mines are also none stop tonight I can't sleep having the shortness of breath and my head feeling crazy and with a feeling that I'm gonna stop breathing or can't catchy breath .... Remember in gonna feel it more now since I'm going all natural so I will get worst before getting better because the body will be detoxing all th chemicals I've taking for all those months and I'm feeding all natural so in hoping and praying to god that it all goes alway in time we will heal just got to stay positive and pray to God ..

in reply to Spomales

Yes I agree praying is always good!

I feel so scared right now and no one in my family knows how to help me besides reassurance but that doesn't help me

I feel like i just desperately need something to calm myself down cause nothing is working for me

Spomales profile image

But the calms forte by hylands company ... It should help and they arent exepensive less then ten dollars...

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