I have been feeling sick and shakey all day everyday qnyone else experience this?
Is it normal for anxiety to feel sick and ... - Anxiety Support
Is it normal for anxiety to feel sick and shakey 24/7
Also my heart racing everyday raising mu blood pressure xxx
I think you and I have similar symptoms. I am shaky everyday especially my legs. I was sick at the start of my anxiety but that is better now.
My everyday symptoms are
Short of breath
Heart palpitations
Symptoms that come and go-
Body aches especially in the legs
Vibrations in various parts of the body but mainly feet legs and hands/fingers, I've had it in my head a few times and it's so disturbing
Calf twitching
Speech problems
That's all I can think of and they are my current symptoms but I have experienced many more especially when it first started.
I feel like this most days its horrible i just wanna stay in house when i do.. I waitin to see someone bout my anxiety i worry everyday soon as i get a pain or headache feel sick thats when i start worryin 😭x
Yeah my symptoms have all of them but also get pressure in my head ear fullness jaw muscles feel tense qnd been burning up lately and had really sensitive teeth I can't cope with it the mornings are the worst for me as soon as I wake up I can't get back to sleep and the shaking what I have learned is to twitch your leg for a little while Shaking is a sign of the adrenalin leaving your body so the more you shake the better the shaking will get at times o feel like my teeth are chattering like I am cold and also my eyes feel so heavy xxx
Aazz I feel you I have been having the same problem have you find something for it yet
Yes it is normal, have you seen your GP and are you taking medications or talking therapy
Yeas they have put me on sertraline on day 7 of that and it's made me feel so much worse I just think that they are not doing enough to find out the problem xx
Asked them about CBT and they said that if it gets any worse that's the next step but I honestly don't know how much worse it can get xx
Yeah Deffo ask for cbt
I had nausea at the begging doc prescribed cinnerazine helped w dizziness too
N the shakes are horrible I had emailed really bad at one bit everyday N so cold all the time
Now I go really hot too like someone else commented in that xx
Yeah i have asked for CBT and they said that I have to wait to see if it gets any worse to get CBT because I have to go through my doctors for it and I am on sertraline and been on it for a week now but I just hate this feeling that something is going to happen to me like a heart attack or something. I feel like going to the doctors every day because it's that bad I actually feel like I'm really ill and going to vomit. Xxx
I know the feeling!!
Can you not self refer then for cbt I had to gp gave me number but I had to do it myself
I've got clitropram which I'm starting Monday also on amatryptyline
But if you go to the gp they can give you something for the nausea!!
I once was nearly sick when I experienced chest pain first time
Sometimes the medication can make things worse before they get better N can take 4-8 week before they are in ye systom N start to take effect xx
But since being on sertraline I started taking them in the middle of my period and I am still having a period that has lasted 2 weeks up to now xxx
I know some people that have said it has stopped them having a regular cycle when first starting on the meds but I will find out sooner or later xx
If you find the tablets are not agreeing you should go bk to your gp I was on citrol for aweek came off them I was crying horrible sensation through my body thought I was dying cried into docs face she didn't care still having breathing issues like not getting enough air don't know what I'm going to do just living day by day hope u feel better soon
Yeah i just find that I can't cry even if I feel like crying I can't I have had the most horrible feelings ever lately cold chest and top of my arms burning up Shaking feeling sick and it happens every morning that I get up I have a dry thoat atm and was finding that it was affecting my breathing earlier also had heart palpitations and high blood pressure. I have told many doctors that I have been worse and also had paramedics out when o had a bad anxiety attack and they also phoned an out of hours doctor and all of them are telling me to keep taking them they will get better I jave to just let them get in to my system my gp won't even arrange cpt after I jave asked him about it. I am also living everyday one by one thinking well I got through another day of this but don't know how much more days I can take xxx