It is my 4th day on sertraline and have been Shaking have a real bad fever hight blood pressure and a rapid heart beat and vomiting but why are paramedics and doctors telling me to still take it. I'm sure fever and vomiting and hight blood pressure and rapid heart beat are on the label for a serotonin syndrome and I haven't been checked for it should I just come off them as I feel soooooo I'll from them? Would it affect me coming off them after 4 days on 50mg?
I have been Shaking vomiting and have a fe... - Anxiety Support
I have been Shaking vomiting and have a fever nearly Passing out since startin sertraline but paramedics are telling me to still take it.

Hi Heythere,
What does your DOCTOR say...the one who prescribed the pills for you?? Here, all paramedics do is drive ambulances and attend to emergency situation like accidents until they take the person to the hospital. They would never tell anyone what to do with prescribed drugs. But... my apologies if this is not the way it is where you live...maybe a dr and a paramedic is the same thing...
I didn't suffer nearly that much when I had a reaction to both Prozac and some other SSRI that starts with a "C" ... but decided on my own to quit them cold turkey. THEN the Dr wanted to try yet another SSRI and I said "Nope!" To be honest, I would be afraid to continue a drug that is having reactions like yours... please, please double check with a doctor and take good care of yourself.
Yes I whent to A&E and then they let me go I got home and stated again so phoned an ambulance and also the ambulance paramedic phoned an out of hours doctor and they all were telling me to keep taking it couldn't get in to my gp as they were full but am definitely getting in tomorrow to my gp that prescribed my meds. Do you think I should be working as the paramedic stayed with me untill my blood pressure dropped down from 148 but at times when I'm getting the feverish feeling I can Feel it come back and also my eyes feel really heavy whether this is because of not enough sleep I don't know I only got 2 hours this morning after all the faffling about doctors and paramedics are saying im fine so should I be reassured till tomorrow when I go see my own doctor xxx
I am SO GLAD you will be seeing your regular GP... as far as going to work, do what you really WANT to do!...follow your instincts... a A systolic reading of 148 is not 'that bad'.... although I know you want that to drop.... but if your work is real stressful, maybe stay home... If not, maybe it would do you good to mentally 'get away' from yourself too...know what I mean? Take care. Keep in touch!
Also it wasn't just an ambulance driver it was a paramedic car too they all were there done my ECG BP sugars temperature and lungs xxxx
I'm so glad you are getting better! GOOD!! I am sure it will all work out and you will be fine!! You sound determined and that plays SUCH a huge part! Proud of you!
Yes I am determined and won't let it control me no more meds have made me feel worse but I don't think I'm on the right one for me so might try herbal like A2X have you heard of this it is suppose to be good and work you get a 30 day trial and don't pay if it doesn't work I forgot what sight but search A2X and it may come up you order it off line and is all natural ingredients xxx hope yous do get to the bottom of it and get it under control 💪
Be strong and hold in there
I Googled A2X and it really got some sensational reviews... the three ingredients are commonly known herbs (together with L Theanine) ... but the price, to me, is really prohibitive... It's $40 a bottle from Amazon...
However, if a person is used to paying that much or more for Rx drugs, I would certainly make the switch. Someone wrote only $4.95 a bottle... that is what shipping and handling is... OR... maybe in a country other than the US, maybe it is a lot cheaper! That would be good!
Is that an anxiety medication? I've had severe anxiety for a year, but have refused medication. There are more cons to benefits, I believe. Sorry this has such a bad effect.

Also I wasn't sure about taking the meds will say make sure that it's what you think you can handle because some work for some people and not for others as I have found out I wish I never took them because it has made me feel so much worse but my doctor did say it will make me feel worse for the next week or too but didn't expect nearly fainting and vomiting x
Yes it is an anti-depresant used for generalised anxiety disorder pstd depression and ocd execta and I just don't want to take it anymore so seeing what my doctor says hope you get yours sorted
Antidepressants actually have more averse effects than beneficial ones. Many people experience emotional bluntness, increase in negative thoughts, and quite possibly more depression. Statistically, they do more harm than good.