sorry to trouble you, I am new to this site, thank you for having me. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression and have done for many many years. At the moment my anxiety is through the roof as tomorrow I have to go for an assessment for an application for a blue badge no idea what to expect and is it really worth going as I can walk but get extremely dizzy and more or less agrophobic, could someon e help me please, shall I cancel Thank you
Blue badge: sorry to trouble you, I am new... - Anxiety Support
Blue badge

What is a blue badge?
It is a badge that you can get that allows you to park in a disabled space and allowed to park on a double yellow lines
Do you need your Blue badge ? If so then I would try not to cancel
Have you someone that can go with you for support ?
I have not had this personal experience but would imagine it will be similar to other claims we make & they will ask you a few questions on your health etc so they can access if you are eligible
I always say to myself that what have I to loose , the worse that can happen is they do not award the blue badge & you would be no worse of than you are now , a bonus could be you do get one & that will help you with your condition , I hope it will be the latter
Good luck & let us know how you got on x
I live in nottingham and applied for a blue badges on behalf of both my brother and my neighbour. Neither had to go anywhere for an assessment. I applied to both Derbyshire and Nottingham city councils and application forms were sent out. My brother was struggling walking long distance due to arteries being clogged and causing pain. My elderly neighbour is independent with walking and has full mobility. The key points to qualify were what distance they could walk before getting pain or breathless. It appears 50 metres is the target. Obviously they would have contacted the Gp or health provider for information. Try not to be anxious after all your not being tried for murder . The worst thing that can happen is you will be denied your application. Good luck x
Thank you all so much for your support, this seems a wonderful and friendly sight, so I have decided to go. Like you all said what have I got to lose, mind you my anxiety is out of control at the moment just thinking of going !!
Sorry the thing is is that I suffer badly from anxiety, so can walk but get sooo dizzy when and if I do go out, so feel a fraud really, but it hopefully would help me go out if can park near to say one shop or somewhere
Hi, once again would like to thank you alal for your support, my daughter took me for the assessment and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but glad it is over with. I was awarded a blue badge for 3 years, not sure what it entails just that I will be able to park in a disabled parking space, any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you soooooo much for everything you lovely people, so glad I found this site. you are all so kind