Anxiety fear of fear I am always scared whe n visitors come that I will panic and go hysterical. The apprehension beforehand is almost to much to bear. It comes from me nothing to do with people I am entertaining. Help please
Anxiety: Anxiety fear of fear I am always... - Anxiety Support
I am the same.. I get anxious every time I have visitors even to my own daughters.. it is the making a fool out of yourself thing which does it.. now I try to think OK say I faint or go funny it is not important I try to take the importance away from the situation and make it not so important and this has helped me.. good luck x
Thanks Pat9& ecinue I take diazepam as a first aid plaster occassionally so I took 5 mg an hour before my visitors arrived, was fine. The apprehension and fear I have gone through for 3 weeks is absolutely unbeilevable. I wish I could stop pleased to have found this site though.
Oh I have used valium as my crutch for so many years but then the private doctor who used to prescribe them for me died and my own GP would not prescribe them for me any more as he was against them.. it is hard though as we all have to have social interactions and when you get like this you try to ward off visitors.. got my brother coming today and am worried about it already.. least I know I am not alone XX
Bless you I am sure you will be ok. Sometimes it is the anxiety beforehand which is the. When it,s people you love even harder to bear. Can younot see another doc in group.I was addicted to Ativan for years, B hell. However doc allows me them knowinng I will be careful because of my previous problem Hugsxxx
Hi, I don't like people to call un-invited, recently after an episode of anxiety, I had to ask my son not to call too frequently, I wanted to be alone to cope with it. He agreed and I asked if I could call on him when I feel more sociable and that was o.k. I can then leave when I want to. I was told by my therapist to let someone come in offer them a drink, but then kindly ask them to leave and I know this is difficult for people suffering with anxiety.
This illness is awful, can you ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen? xx
I used to hate having people over. I would get so anxious that, if i could, i would take refuge in my room for the whole time tgat the visitors were there. I dont like social gatherings anyway since it is hard for me to talk or be around large numbers of people but i did not feel at ease. I still have trouble with this. The max number i can cope with now is about 4-6 extra people, if there are people over and if i have the opportunity to retreat then i can at least cope in my own way, if i do not have a way to retreat i just cant handle it.
Im still not big on having unnannounced visitors. Tbh i think its rude but i like to know whats going on, in advance, so i can at least see if i can plan to retreat or know that i cant handle it but with spontaenous visitors....well i just cant do any of this.
Feel fo you . It is like a form of claustrophobia. See my reply to Pat 9 hugs