Oral Thrush and I am a hypochondriac and h... - Anxiety Support

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Oral Thrush and I am a hypochondriac and have bad health anxiety. I'm panicking over feeling muscle weakness and fatigue and stomach issues.

mistybrooke84 profile image
7 Replies

Hey guys! Looking for someone to help calm me down. I just turned 30 last week and in good health. I came down with a post nasal drip cold two weeks ago and although I never had a runny nose, it gave me severe dry mouth and throat. Went to the urgent care doctor twice last week since my doctor is booked up. The first visit, she didn't spot the oral thrush and gave me Flonase to treat the cold. I went back two days later and she found the thrush in my mouth. She had me discontinue the Flonase and immediately start Nystatin mouth rinse. Now, a little background of me lately, I have a history of health anxiety. I did overcome it for a few years but it came back this year with a vengeance when I lost my job. I am BAD about googling symptoms and self diagnosing. Since I started the Nystatin, I've developed muscle tiredness, extreme fatigue, stomach nausea, mild discomfort in upper abdomen. Now, BEFORE I began the Nystatin rinse, I had nausea and actually vomited liquid and mucus several days prior but I was still struggling with the cold and post nasal drip then. The last several days, I've been OBSESSED with googling symptoms all day long (literally all day long), and researching side effects to Nystatin, signs of allergic reactions and even to medicines similar to it like Diflucan. I've googled relentlessly symptoms of oral thrush and Candida and have driven myself near nuts with that. I have had dizziness, weirdness, bad bad anxiety (it seems even of I haven't been sick, I find a way to have symptoms) and feeling like I'm not here, muscle stiffness, etc. I am always looking for symptoms or allergic reactions (have been on Nystatin for 3 days.) I'm wondering if I am psychologically bringing this on? Everyone I talk to says Oral Thrush is not that big of a deal. And that since it begins in the stomach, it can make you feel tired and nauseated. I've had this before a long time ago but don't remember having all this to go along with it. The doctor did bloodwork 4 days ago and everything was fine and normal. She said that because I'm a hypochondriac, I am hypersensitive to very symptom in my body. But in my mind, I wonder if the medicine is doing it? I haven't eaten as much in the last month because I've been afraid of food poisoning or food allergies and since I've been sick with the crud the last two weeks, I quickly got over that stupid fear. Now I WANT to eat like normal but can't eat like I want because of the mouth discomfort. (I've not missed any meals, just didn't eat as much when I went through that stupid phase.) I may be going back to the doctor today just to ensure I don't need to take a Diflucan just in case this is all thrush. (My mouth is actually starting to clear up. It's still there but my husband said it is NOTHING like it was.) And with me feeling so tired and fatigued, I feel faint as well but I've never fainted before and the fear of fainting is also a part of my biggest health anxiety fear. I'm driving my husband, Mom, Dad and mother-in-law nuts and all driving myself nuts. They ALL seem to believe this is psychosomatic and me bringing on additional symptoms from my constant googling and research. The only other thing I can think of that would have caused my muscles to feel this tired is that 2 days ago, I felt more myself and cleaned house all day and did laundry. I've been so consumed with health anxiety and symptom checking that I've not done that in awhile. Perhaps I'm just feeling the exercise from the muscles lol? Someone please tell me I'm not the only weirdo out there, that perhaps this is my anxiety amplifying a small matter. I've been fearing getting sick for months and I've learned my lesson after this lol! I've just read so much on google about Nystatin and the watching of blood sugar and about thrush and the loss of nutrition and so many other things. I just want to get over this already and be back to normal. I learned my lesson on worrying about health stuff. I'm so sorry this is so long. I needed somewhere to vent and reach out to someone who understands. Mom won't talk to me about it anymore and my husband is getting there. It's embarrassing. I've been praying for The Lord to help me through this and to just be normal and not think this much into stuff.

Last note--this is gross but my bowel movement was loose and had creamy colored stuff in it...my cousin who is a nurse at my doctor office said that it's normal with oral thrush. Since my mouth has shown improvement, she said it sounds like it's getting better.

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mistybrooke84 profile image
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7 Replies
mistybrooke84 profile image

Oh my word, I can tell just by how long the post is and by how many symptoms it tagged that I have a real hypochondria issue lol...wow. I promise I'm not crazy lol!

Pearle profile image

Hi I understand how you're feeling completely because I am exactly the same. We can weirdo's together. I have severe emetophobia and as a result, health anxiety too (in addition to general anxiety). I am always looking things up and frightening myself - convincing myself that I'm ill or will get ill. I find myself focusing on every little thing I can feel in my body and the more I focus the more intense the feeling becomes. Anxiety can definitely bring symptoms on, your mind and body are connected. I'm having a particularly anxious day myself so I've been suffering with headaches, nausea and fatigue. I'm sorry you're feeling alone but you will always find support from people on this forum. Sometimes you merely need some distraction and then you realise that you've hardly noticed your symptoms at all.

Well done for overcoming your health anxiety, if you did it once you can definitely do it again! It's okay to have had a relapse. Perhaps go to your GP and try and register for some counselling. I hope you feel better soon but it sounds like you're already on the mend. You're going to be okay :)

mistybrooke84 profile image
mistybrooke84 in reply to Pearle

Thank you so so much for your kind and encouraging reply! Does it also get your pulse to go up as well? Mine is currently doing that lol. But I'm nervous as all get out with these symptoms. I'm not used to having fatigue and nausea lol. I feel as if I've been treating oral thrush as cancer and when I think of it that way, I think of all the people who truly have something serious and it makes me feel guilty. :/ I hate that you're suffering through this as well. To give such good advice and encouragement, it sounds as if you are on the mend as well. The last two weeks, I hardly slept...I couldn't because of the cold. Maybe that has caught up to me? I didn't know that anxiety can make your muscles all over feel so weak and tired. It does encourage me though. I would rather it be due to anxiety than anything else. I've noticed anxiety can make you feel like you're about to fall over dead at any minute. It truly is torment. Again, thank you so much for comforting and reassuring me!! It means so much to me! :)

Pearle profile image
Pearle in reply to mistybrooke84

Yes and every time I go to the doctors I have higher blood pressure than I should because I get so anxious in waiting rooms! Your pulse going up can have other effects too - you might breathe faster or feel hot like you have a temperature but it is just panic. It's easy for me to say but I know when it happens to me, I convince myself that it's something more too. Don't feel guilty about that. We all have our own problems and yours aren't any less worthy of discussion than a cancer patients'. Mental illness can be devastating for those suffering for it and it deserves understanding and discussion! Yes the exhaustion will definitely have caught up with you, I'm sure. Everyone's different and suffers from anxiety in different ways.

You're very welcome :)

mistybrooke84 profile image
mistybrooke84 in reply to Pearle

So glad I'm not alone! I've always had excellent blood pressure but the last few times at the doctor it has been up (was having anxiety though) and just yesterday, I was having bad anxiety while panicking over feeling extreme fatigued from waking up and I began to fear my blood pressure was too low...my husband checked it and it was a little high...go figure haha. So I realized two things--I wasn't going to faint since my blood pressure wasn't low enough and that anxiety had definitely driven it up. Mental illness seems to be a rising ordeal in the world today. I'm tired of it lol! This girl is ready to her back to herself!!

Pearle profile image
Pearle in reply to mistybrooke84

I used to as well! I always make sure I tell the doctor that I'm nervous just so they know it might be higher than average. Well there you go! As anxiety sufferers, our brains are irrational and often ignore the facts but it's great that you could realise those things! Haha you go girl!

mistybrooke84 profile image
mistybrooke84 in reply to Pearle

I always tell the doctor the same thing lol! Like the first out of my mouth is, "Hello there, how are you today? Oh, by the way, I am a hypochondriac and have bad healthy anxiety issues." Lol!

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