I'm Euz Samio 17 years old male 190 pounds! I have symptoms like light headdness, fatigue, pain in arms (sometimes left only) jaw pain, Lump in throat to chest!!This started because iI'm have pain in my stomache and I think its a liver cancer then we go to my go to check it! Blood test urine and mny more. then after 2 weeks I have chest pains usually at left, and arm pain neck pain pressure at my backheafd and palps, And we go to my go then I take ECG x ray, blood test, urine test! and nothings found! after 3 days I feel lump in my throat then we go at go again he said something Heartburn, he gave me Meds and after 2 weeks I have pain in my left chest again, I was scared for having heart attack we go to doctor and he said it as an anxiety! after that we go to cardiologist to See if I have heart problem, I take ECG, x ray again! he said my heart is normal, nothing to worry because I'm too young he said! then I feel better, then I search about heart attack that's the reason because I read something he said "even if a healthy person can get heart attack/" then I always think it I always check my pulse and Heartbeat!!!! Its so very annoying!! is this anxiety???? I'm too obsessed in my heart help me!!! please