Anxiety -.- : Am I the only person thinks... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety -.-

lulu91 profile image
19 Replies

Am I the only person thinks there is something severely wrong for every ache and pain in my body??? Im tired of doing this to my self :(

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lulu91 profile image
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19 Replies

My dear, you need to check these pains out, you look far too young to get them.

lulu91 profile image
lulu91 in reply to

I do and my docs dismiss it

Moysey83 profile image

I'm same , I think the pains get worse for thinking about them

lulu91 profile image
lulu91 in reply to Moysey83

Idk I get random arm pains im starting to think its my nerves from my spine or something :/ && your right I freak myself out too

moises602 profile image

I also get like this. When people tell you to get checked out that scares like if ur dieng. But the thing is your brain is so unique so powerful it can cause you pain I'm young and I get a lot of pain every time diagnosed as anxiety. Now I'm not saying to stop getting medical help but just save u and the doctors time lol I remember I us to bug the doctor until I read this (book at last a life)

Good book

But if you ever want to talk you can always messege me ( : blessings

Moysey83 profile image

Yeh , I'm 30 and been trying to give up smoking for 5 years on and off , and to be honest my aches and pains have started from then I think , I think I'm either gonna have heart attack or lung cancer , I get random pains in my chest area , almost like a heartbeat hurts then it stops , usually when I'm not worrying about stuff too ,

lulu91 profile image
lulu91 in reply to Moysey83

Do you think heart attack because your at risk or cause your anxious about it?

Moysey83 profile image

At 30 I'd say I'm not at risk and like I say iv not smoked much in last 5 years , stop for 6 weeks then smoke for a few days and stop again , probably subconsciously I do think I'm at risk , I so regret starting , but at same time people can smoke all life and live to 90 , so I'm unsure , other people iv grown up with have smoked as long as me and still doing it and feel fine , I just think I worry far too much then get my self in a state

rosesRred34 profile image

Thinking about everything u feel from the slightest twinge of pain to actual pain and then developing a fear of something horrible is definitely a part of anxiety. I get a headache, like 2000000000 other people in the world, but automatically I assume I am having a brain anursym and will surely die. My arm falls asleep or has pain and I think I am developing MS and am sure by the next morning I will be completely paralyzed. It seems crazy in our rational minds, bit in the part of us that is riddled with anxious thoughts and fears it seems we are the only people on earth who suffer and the doctors must have missed something!! Surely we are dying of some unknown disease that mimics anxiety LOL

The only way I have learned to resist these feelings and stop being so hyper aware of how I feel, is by telling myself three things.

1. If this was a true heart attack, anursym, stroke, disease.. it would have already killed me by now.

2. Worrying about it isn't going to change it.. if I am going to die today, nothing I do can prevent that. I certainly cannot worry death away

3. If I did habe some disease or incurable condition that was gonna kill me, I might as well enjoy the day, because life is too short to be sitting around scared to death of things I cannot control.


lulu91 profile image
lulu91 in reply to rosesRred34

You couldn't have said it any better!!!! Perfect! Thank you ! :)

numb1234 profile image

Hi lulu just sane ache head toe 24/7 feel crap dizzy ferl half with it .. im sane hate it but do have lot worrying all do is worry ...but feel for you now what like your going though ... numb x

cherub2012 profile image

Your not alone at all lulu I've got aches & pains every day it's so depressing I'm only 40 I feel 70 some days.

Take care. X .

Ians profile image

Lulu, you are in a state of anxiety, that means your muscles are constantly tense. The pain will come from them... It feels like a growing pain it fades in and out, throbs. Your mind will tell you there is something wrong. Ask yourself what is pain, it is your brain receiving info from nerves, but when in a state of panic your brain fires all these nerves.

Hope this helps

frekks2021 profile image

Hi LuLu,

No, sadly you are not the only one who thinks this and sadly that even you are.

Sure, you gotta have things checked out. But, we all get aches and pains, and anxiety seems to magnify them.

Just now I was reading some posts, and I could feel the panic working itself up. But I thought, no, silly, I have this under control now. The burping started and the burping made the panic worse, which made the burping worse.....well, you know the drill.

I've had this continual chronic burping for a couple of months, now. Other than that, I thought I was handling the anxiety. But the mind won't allow that, ohhh no. It must be a sign of something worse, you tell yourself. It does seem that anxiety can cause chronic burping and with all the muscle tension, you can sort of understand that. Nevertheless, I'm going to have it checked out....endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. I also heard that anti-depressants can cause it. Admittedly, that seems to be the only common denominator that I can link to the start of the burping, that is, also when I started (roughly when) on Zoloft.

It's crazy, really and I, like you am so tired of doing this to myself. I feel like Jim Carrey in Liar Liar, in the toilet in the courthouse scene, 'I'm kicking my ass, do ya mind!' Rather, I feel like doing that to myself!

Hope you're feeling better.


CARTERKC profile image

LULU, I have extreme anxiety and panic attacks and catastrophising every little ache and pain is all part and parcel of the illness.In fact during 2 of my panic attacks my wife insisted that we call an ambulance as the symotoms all pointed to a heart attack, chest pain jaw pain etc etc. The ambulance people were very understanding thankfully and insisted that in the future any chest pain a 999 call is the best thing. As far as dealing with anxiety and panic I suggest you download an app entitled MINDFULLNESS. It has been a great help to me and I hope it may be the same for you. DO NOT GIVE IN TO IT LULU, IT WILL GET BETTER I PROMISE. All the best to you sweetheart

jemkatkitty profile image

I definitely do this too... Just last night I fought the very strong urge to go to the ER for sharp pains in my chest. I ran out of my valium, and couldn't find my hydroxyzine... So I took an hour long bath .... The chest still hurt so I laid down and took deep breaths and told myself it was chest pain from anxiety... That I was not dying. It took some convincing but I finally fell asleep and just woke up this morning pain free.. anxiety causes pain, you just have to defeat them like Dragons. :)

samiaml profile image

Hi Lulu. .. u r not alone. .. I'm just the same. . Every lil symptom I get within myself I always think the worst. .. that's what anxiety does .. it takes the littlest things and makes them humongous... as long as u have had all the doctors OKs I'm sure its just anxiety. .. easier said then done trust me I know!

lulu91 profile image

I want to say thank you to everyone I truely appreciate it !!!!! I wish I could respond to each person separately but im not on a computer so its hard to do on my phone but just know I read all comments and I appreciate every single one!!! ♡ :)

Theresa27 profile image

Thank goodness am not Crazy!!!! I had it in my brain that I was crazy and needed committed and even begged the dr to commit me but after reading these threads I can see im not alone. Horrible to say cos I wouldnt wish Anxiety on my worse enemy but it reassuring to know that its "not just all in my head"

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