Anyone to chat to feel so alone and scared !
I'm recovering from a really bad panic attack I had about an hour ago ! My left arm has been in pain for about 9 hours is this (ANXIETY) ? Does anyone else get this ?
Thanks Michael ...
Anyone to chat to feel so alone and scared !
I'm recovering from a really bad panic attack I had about an hour ago ! My left arm has been in pain for about 9 hours is this (ANXIETY) ? Does anyone else get this ?
Thanks Michael ...
How are you feeling now ?
Hi Still the same had 3 hrs sleep it's now
This anxiety is just so overwhelming right now iv tryed everything all night hope your ok
u in the uk ?
Hi Michael , I have fibromyalgia also anxiety and depression ... I try and beat it with exercise . I rode quite a way only bike yesterday to take my granddaughter to school . Hence the bad night with pain . I too have had > 3hours sleep . I put ucb bible on and as it's an audio book , like a child I never hear the end of the story !!! . Pain is a trap to make you self focus .... Try and ignore specific areas and linking them to medical conditions , this is called catastrosizing Michael when all is lost turn to our father and ask for his healing xx
Thanks my girlfriend had fibromyalgia ! I understand what u go through everyday cause I see it with my girlfriend but I (CARE LOVE & and support her so much she's had fibro for 9 years but we stick together cause we both have so much going on in side and out so it good to be with her 24-7 thanks for that I always pray ! Loads of love for u xxx
Hi Micheal I get that too and it's one of the worst symtoms. It can't hirt you butnits scary as hell. How are u doing now?
Hi mike. Its perfectly normal. I know its hard to listen but it's all in your head. The more you think about having a heart attack or thinking about the pain in your arm the longer it will stay. Trust me because I've suffered from severe panic attacks for many years. I'm only just sort of getting over it to a fashion as it never actually leaves but it can be controlled. Everybody's different but the best way to deal with it when ur panicking is to find something to do. Me playing on my phone tends to work but there's many things u can do. Trying singing a song u like or going for a walk or cleaning, washing up. The best thing not to do is have a shower as the hot water increases ur blood pressure. You will get through it mike just be strong. Hope you feel better soon
Hi still the same no sleep hardly my anxiety is just over whelming
at the moment
hope your ok
u in the uk ? Thanks Michael
Hi Michael, hope everything is well. Btw someone inside here has a similar condition with an arm pain. Her name is lulu91. Maybe both of you can seek each other's advice if either one of you has a solution or answer to this condition.
Micheal what kind of things do you do when you are experiencing anxiety this bad or panic attacks?
Okay but besides the sensations.. what are u doing to cope with it. Gasping for air , is only going to make you feel like you cannot breath. Learning how to manage the anxiety is the only way to feel better.
The first thing you must understand is that ANXIETY CANNOT HURT YOU, IT CANNOT KILL YOU, IT WILL NOT HURT YOU, IT NEVER HAS AND IT NEVER WILL. This is something you must clearly understand. The sensations are awful, you feel out of control, you feel weak, lightheaded, dizzy, etc.. but you WILL NOT DIE OR GO CRAZY it will not happen.
Tell yourself this Micheal. Over and Over
Hi Michael, Mary here from Toronto Canada, you're not alone! I've been there time and time again. You need to have a little chit-chat with yourself and convince him that you are fine, that IT (the anxiety) is not going to win you over! You are stronger than you think!!!! Take nice deep breaths, in from your nose until you can't fill your lungs any further and exhale slowly from your mouth and as you exhale, you tell yourself that you're ridding yourself of any negativity, from thoughts to physical discomfort. I've been on Citalopram 40mg for 4 yrs and take clonazepam at night, i have lots of experience
Hi from London! You will be Ok but its not easy when you are getting these feelings. I have been awake since 3.45 am and feel like crap, you are no alone! Hugs!!
Hello Michael
If I had been awake I would have responded to you right away. Sorry
How are you feeling now?
I hope better
Panic attacks are the worse when your alone and everyone you know is asleep which causes you to feel alone but remember you are never alone we are all in the same boat.
Thanks guys for your support and advice !
It's really preciated ! And I'm very grateful for taking the time to reply to my matters thanks guys ....
Anxiety is such a monster. However I stayed in a constant state of anxiety then started relaxation music. And learning how to breathe slow and relax my body. I know your pain prayers that you will find what works for you. Hugs.
Hey Michael. Hope your doing better my friend. I'm from the US. State of Michigan. Would love to live in Great Britian. My grandfather was born in London
Thanks Brian I wanna live in California So visa versa ! Love to live the American dream
what's it like where u live Brian ? Thanks Michael ..
Hey Michael
I'm in Kent, hope you're feeling better now.
I tend to give myself a talking to, just keep in mind that you are safe and no harm will come to you.
When I get a panic attack, I lie still and ride with it, deep breathes and try to relax.
My husband always on hand to give me hug which always makes me feel better
Keep some lavender by your bed, as this helps to keep you relaxed.
Also keep a pad and pen by your bed, so if you do wake you can write down your worries. It helps me
Keep strong x
Hi Michael - had panic attacks on and off for years but going through a very bad patch at the moment after an accident and being diagnosed with PTSD - panic attacks are dreadful.
My best trick is to immediately fill a glass of water with ice and hold an ice cube in my mouth - it immediately calms everything down.
I am having therapy and working on mindfulness and meditation which must be practiced everyday - its staggeringly effective - you can find a lot of free meditation
Videos on the Internet.
Also learning the body scan - tensing and relaxing your muscles can really help you to sleep.
Also , breathing - I have been taught to hold my breath for 10 seconds , breathe in for 5 , hold for 3 and breathe out for 7 .
I am starting to win and lose my fear -hope this helps but don't despair - this is so common
Cheers Kath x