Anyone else on here with severe anxiety ever wake up either just after falling asleep or been asleep for a while gasping for air???
So scared!
Anyone else on here with severe anxiety ever wake up either just after falling asleep or been asleep for a while gasping for air???
So scared!
Yup! Happens all the time, sometimes my body will jerk awake several times as I am falling asleep, when you wake gasping for air its almost like a nocturnal panic attack, even though you're drifting off your subconscious is still anxious. You wake up scared, heart pounding, sometimes even in a sweat with the chills. It's one of the most frustrating anxiety symptoms
It's scary as heck. How do you deal with it?
Last night I had been asleep for a couple hours when this happened. I was so scared to go back to sleep so I stayed up till 6. What can I do to prevent this?
I try to drink TAZO Chamomile tea before bed, as I feel my stomach relax immediately, stretching and relaxing your muscles/reading also helps. If you do "wake up" in a panic after being asleep for a while (sometimes it still happens because my body is used to this habitual reaction, even when I take preventative measures) sit up, grab some water and calm your breathing and try to monitor/lower your heart rate, even getting up and walking around helps you realize it was just a panic attack and tell yourself all is well. Accept it as part of the condition, nothing to be scared of even though when it interferes with sleep it is quite frustrating. Once you get some kind of grip over them they will happen less frequently. Try distracting yourself/make yourself tired by reading, journaling, meditating or doing any other activity that makes you tired (try not to exercise though as your muscles will tense again) Lay down and try to naturally let your muscles relax as you drift off again. Hopefully you will fall asleep and stay asleep for the rest of the night.
Let me know how it goes! I still get them from time to time too but we can't lose hope.
Yes! Counseling works well too, I've been going for about a month now! Wish I went sooner, hopefully you can get into it soon! In the meantime buy a small notebook and write down your feelings as if you are talking to a therapist, just getting it all out will help!
Hope you are feeling better just want to let you know you are not alone that happens to me usually if in having a bad day with my anxiety i have been asleep a matter of minuets when i wale up gasping for air heart pounding i have a tingling in my head as well its Horribal i have never been as scared if you are feeling scared i wouldn't go to bed because you will have a bad night try a bath or watching a dvd then try sleeping good luck