does anyone else get this symptom ?
I suffer from anxiety & for the past few d... - Anxiety Support
I suffer from anxiety & for the past few days I've been experiencing a new symptom, my chest keep tightening & i get short of breath ??

Yes I have it all the time non stop and it's a horrible horrible feeling I also notice my back hurts with it
Yes, I have experienced those symptoms when I am very, very, anxious. It is so scary. I hope you get some relief soon. It is terrible to be so frightened and to think you (I did) are dying on top of it. It only makes it worse for me.

i always jump to the worst thought right away like "omg im having a heart attack" its scary. but i know its anxiety.
These are normal Fight or flight symptoms brought on by stress. Try some mindfulness exercises. Simple diaphragmatic breathing.
I don't mean to scare you but I have been having this for the past 14 weeks day and night, no relief. Mine is more of a suffocation feeling. The odd thing is is that it came out of nowhere 2 1/2 weeks after I had surgery and it hasn't left. I have never had anxiety in my life so this was quite a surprise. I had all kinds of tests run via pulmonologist and now cardiologist - all in the clear. I'm seeing a therapist for the first time tomorrow and am very hopeful that this will get turned around.
I'm having these feelings right now. It's scary but I know it's not my heart, as I've had it before and saw a doctor about it. I am trying to take my mind off it and take some deep breaths. I am glad I am not alone with this
thanx everybody for the response : )
saraanne, are you feeling any better? Good advise Holisticstress. I find it difficult to do the breathing, but I am sure if I practiced more it would become like a second nature. idawmn, how are you doing? You haven't had the anxiety before? That is very good. Therapy can be wonderful. It takes finding the right therapist though. You must feel comfortable and able to talk honestly with them. I wish you the best. Have a great day or night, wherever you are.

Hi DazyMae. Sorry I just saw this now. The issue still exists. No I haven't had the anxiety before and I'm 55. There have been issues through the years but I always seemed to handle them ok. Yes I was very open with the therapist today and have 4 more weekly sessions set up with her and will be seeing the psychiatric center doctor to discuss a med. I'm trying to think positive in that this can be turned around. I feel fine other than this suffocation, head in fog, sometimes chest tightening and insomnia. I want to enjoy life again. I live over in Idaho. All the best to you.
I didn't see your post CardiffGirl80. It sounds like you have experienced some good results with your deep breaths and refocusing. I have schizo affective disorder as well, so it is very hard to concentrate on much of anything. My mind is always racing, especially when things are quiet. That is when it is the worst.