it's hard to eat in public, when I do I get nauseous and I feel like I have to puke. I eat very little when I eat because if a have a normal meal i puke. i can only swallow a few bites and that's it. i can swallow the meal whole outside no problem but inside i can't. what's the deal?
eating in public: it's hard to eat in public... - Anxiety Support
eating in public

Hi and welcome. I just want to say that I have a similar problem. I won't eat out or in front of anyone other than my immediate family. I'm frightened of showing myself up and embarrassing myself or being embarrassing to my family. I think I'm going to be ill.
I'm sorry I cannot help you but, I just wanted to say I understand.
Take care xx
Hi there and welcome
Have you tried some form of CBT to find out the root cause?
If you haven't it might be worth a go
Take care xx
I have to admit I don't feel comfortable eating in front of people & can struggle but anxiety can affect us all in different ways & it is one I can cope with if I need to but then I struggle more with other things due to anxiety
Have you had an experience where you feel this fear which turns into anxiety started , maybe as said you feel everybody might be watching you , or you will show yourself up in some way ?
Also if this is affecting your life asking your GP again as suggested about some counselling could be a help
I am sure you will get a lot more answers with some better advise , but just wanted to let you know I had read your post & hopefully helped a little to make you feel welcomed
Hello there.
Nice to meat you and welcome to the site first off.
I was not to keen eating in public either I tend to think now everyone is busy eating their own food to notice me and what I am doing with mine.
Keep posting on here as lots of members have some great advice.
Gardener x
Hi and welcome this site is a lovely place and hope it's a comfort to know you are not alone in this! Anxiety certainly manifests itself in many different ways, have you been to your gp? Do you have any other support?
I haven't been through what you are going through, but wanted to let you know I had read your post and to send you some love & light.
Warmest wishes
Eva x