That's what my nurse says anyway, but I read sad story's on here of members anxiety lasting years and years I want to ask who gets better and what did they do to get there I need this info to make sure I'm doing everything wright x
How long is long I'm a bit worried today a... - Anxiety Support
How long is long I'm a bit worried today about how long my Anxiety will last the fact I've been avoiding nothing and on the road to recovery

Patience, time, practice, positivity!
I got better 2 years ago, but due to life stresses let it slip and back here again. Positive thinking, changing thoughts, relaxation, changing all your safety behaviours back to normal and not avoiding things and mainly just keep at it and you learn to cope, it gets easier until you hardly notice it in your life, its a habit, you just have to keep practicing the right habit

Put a reply for you to read it's under this thanks so much
I'm all ears I've been reading a book called no more Anxiety I feel that the only thing I'm not doing is having friends round to the house as I've stopped drinking to try and lose a lot of weight but I'm going to the gym not missed a days work do shopping driving but on the down side I had a blip I'm always dizzy and try not to focus what do you about being positive and I don't take meds ether
What do you mean by safety behaviours do you mean like I find myself crossing my legs and holding my head to one side like a comfort ( that sort of thing ) I do relaxation but not every day
Are you reading any books or have you tried anything that you think might help
yeah like I sit in a ball, my knees up to my chest so not very comfortable but I do it without realising, so I stop that, going places, driving places anything your doing I need to start doing them lol
You sound like your doing brilliant! keep it up, relaxation helps sooo much, give it a try, I do visual from the linden method it helps me so much, I do have that I could email it to you, basically a list of things to do again to stop the habit, then the visual and it really is brilliant.
Ive read, feel the fear and do it anyway that helped me a lot

Ou Thankyou I will read the book I'm on now and then read do you want my email now am I aloud to put it on here
Hi Stu
I see this anxiety like a road we go down , for some of us it can be a long one , which at times we take the right turn & get of & then we can take the wrong turn & be back on it again
For others they can take the right turn for them & dont have to go far down this winding road & they dont turn back on it
We all suffer with anxiety & we no how it feels , but we all have our own experiences with it as well
Try not to focus on the ones & I am one that have suffered for years , I no when we have anxiety we can tend to pick up on the negatives , but you dont no thats going to be you , things have changed & this anxiety could be a very short journey in your case ,but if we worry , we will cause fear & anxiety & this will make the journey longer
Try & take each day as it comes , see & focus & build on any positives in your day , things will get better
I no you say you dont have people round as you no longer drink , I havnt had a drink for 21 years now , I still mix with people that do drink , I choose not to & they accept that & can still have fun in their company
Hope you are staying away from work , as they will cope & are busy doing that housework

I see what your saying and thanks whywhy I do so very much hope that your journey will come to an end very soon x
Hi bigguy
I have suffered with anxiety and depression for a long time but find when i am happy that I manage to keep it under control by spending plenty of time with family and friends, doing regular exercise, listening to meditation cds and doing things I enjoy. Over the past couple of years I have realised that I start getting anxious when my workload/ responsibilities are increased at work and then my work life balance gets out of control with me working all the time. Relaxation is definately the key to overcoming my anxiety, I just need to find the motivation to do the things to make me better. Unfortunately I am very low at the moment due to situation with my dad, so can only manage to focus on spending time with my parents at the moment. I have been referred for therapy/ counselling and should have my first session in weds, which I am hoping will help me cope better.
Everyone is different, I wish there was a miracle cure
Jules x
Thanks so much for your words they mean so much hope things work out with your dad I fully understand xx