How's everyone's weekend going? - Anxiety Support

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How's everyone's weekend going?

17 Replies
17 Replies
mimii profile image

Hi LoopyL, not too bad thanks, though still waiting for promised sunshine to appear, but hung the washing out anyway :D

Been into town got some canvases for my daughters painting, she finds art therapy helpful, there's a shop here you can get them lot cheaper than art shops, also got some of the ashwaghanda tablets that londonman recommends, and a hot sausage roll for lunch :D

Should get on with some housework now and still food shopping to be done later !

How's your weekend going :)

Mimii xx

So far so good we took the dog for a walk and now have a heap of housework to do. The sun is breaking here which is always nice. Trying to keep positive today even though I keep getting pains and weird sensations I tell myself its nothing. I fear Iam slipping back to think its something serious when I have been given the all clear by a cardiologist. Lol but Iam trying to stay positive. Xxx

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Well done for staying positive, bet I have bigger heaps of housework than you :D

Dont know where to start really, did some ironing find that easy, it's all the rest I find difficult to tackle !!

Mimii xx

Just doing the ironing now lol it's not going good but hopefully I get through it xx

mimii profile image

Well done, I keep putting off cleaning bathroom and kitchen floor getting annoyed with myself now !!

Mimii xx

I know that feeling Iam totally frustrated with myself and my anxiety as I feel I have given in to it. Do u mind me asking what ur anxiety is like? Xx

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to

Hi, just done the bathroom at least, should feel better but dont !!

Not sure what level my anxiety is , suppose I avoid situations that make me feel uncomfortable, do worry a lot especially with regard to my daughter, I'm ok going out shopping , am okish at work though get a bit stressed sometimes, dont sleep too well either which makes you feel worse, I try to do breathing exercises and relax my jaw, shoulders and stomach, keep reminding myself throughout the day, does help a bit :)

Mimii xx

Milly_j profile image

Hi guys howz it going? I'm having a particularly low weekend. Been on the meds for a week now, in wondering if its the meds that making me feel worse. I haven't really stopped crying all day. Trying to do some dance practice but has fallen on a heap on the floor and burst into tears. Not really feeling like there's a lot if point to anything.. I wanna change this so badly but i don't know what to do. Sorry to bring a downer ro everyone's weekends...well done to everyone who's pushing through the mundane!! Xx

Cookster99 profile image

Hiya, I am packing with the help of kittens lol, Living the dream xxx

Hi Milly, please don't feel bad Hun we are all here for each other. I was the same yesterday's I don't so much get tears but I panic constantly about my health especially my heart and yesterday was a bad day. What mess are u on? I don't take any I want to try without them. How has ur anxiety started if u don't mind me asking? Xxx

Sounds like ur kittens are having fun :-) xx how's the packing going? Xx

Cookster99 profile image
Cookster99 in reply to

Sloowwwwwlllllllyyyyyyyyyy, thanks to my unwanted helpers lol xxx

Milly_j profile image

Loopy I've send u a message x

Hi loopy, my weekend is going downhill lol x im knackered due to my anxiety i don't sleep to good and i managed 5 last night x So today as you can imagine i'm full of aches and pains which i know is a run down body but hey ho anxiety doesn't want the weekend off x On the plus side i'm enjoying having a day off from housework that the hubby did x If it wasn't for the fact i have the 5 year old to look after and he is diabetic id of gone to bed lol x

I had a bad day yesterday and last night. I am trying to get back in my focus and read the help booklets I have on health anxiety which does relate to me. Your lucky the hubby done that lol mine has left me doing it as a good distraction not to focus on me or Google and pains lol. Xxxx

CardiffGirl80 profile image

I had a moment this morning. I always walk to the shops for the papers and enjoy the fresh air and exercise. I arrive to find the price had gone up by 10p and I only had £1. Now I felt myself panic here we go again. Last time I had to walk home for 5p but this time they let me have the paper but I am now on their books for 10p. I felt like running away but I took some deep breaths.

Least u done it Hun that's something to be proud of well done. Xxx

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