Just want to see if I'm on my own on this
Ok hands up who drinks The following beer ... - Anxiety Support
Ok hands up who drinks The following beer wine tea coffee

I do not
Well my hand is up can you see it
I dont touch any kind of alcohol & havnt for 21 years
I do drink tea & lots of , I have an odd coffee & just lately grown very found of hot chocolate
Can I put my hand down now please
I've just started to feel unwell but at least I've got the gum on mend
Did you say you had only just started taking the antibiotics because they take a few days before they get in to your system & start working , so if you havnt been on them long it might be your mind telling you that you feel unwell
I no because I have this med fear this is how it is for me , the moment I take something thinking I feel side effects , but then when I think about it I no it cant be possible
Remember as well the antibiotics are only for so many days & then you dont have to take them anymore ,that helps me & I just count them down till they have all gone
You can do this & like I said its better than an infected gum
I drink both tea and coffee the occasional beer to. Drink coffee most mornings as I'm usually half asleep thanks to my dodgy sleeping pattern, I know we are meant to avoid all these things when suffering from anxiety and depression.
I drink decaf tea, I hate coffee, used to drink alcohol a bit. Stopped drinking about May time when the I changed my tablets it says alcohol can make the side effects worse. I decided not to risk it. I do eat chocolate and I do drink Hot Chocolate! Xx
Hey Bigguy, Must put my hand up to all of these "vices". Yes, I drink all four in varying quantities in any given week.
1) Tea 4-5 cups per day
2) Coffee 4 -5 cups per week
3) Beer 5 pints a week, mainly at weekends
4) Wine occasionally,1-2 glasses per month
Can't say I feel any worse off for it. Can't say I feel better if I abstain either LOL
Well mallet-head I got OMG at drinking coffee , reading yours I havnt a clue what Bigguy will say to this
Hope you are keeping well

Hi Whywhy, I hope it is not too much of a shock to Bigguy, sorry mate!! I was just trying to be honest and (hopefully) helpful. Currently I feel great. For the most part I have everything under control. I discovered "Mindfulness Meditation" last year, and this really helps me keep things in balance and in perspective,
Hope you are keeping well and enjoying the new style forum
regards, Mallet-head xxx
That sounds very positive , I thought I hadnt seen you on here since the move , maybe you have been on & I have missed you
I am not to bad Thank you & I still would prefer the old forum if I am been honest , but I am sure & hope eventually I get used to this new one
Take Care

Whywhy, regarding my presence on the new site, I have responded to the odd question on the new forum, where I believe my personal experiences might help, but I have fortunately not felt the need to elicit help and support from forum members for some time (for which I am thankful) . It is however very re-assuring to know that support is there should I need to tap into it!! I don't go onto the forum on a regular basis, but rely on email notifications of postings and my responses.
best regards, Mallet-head
There are only 3 things I drink
1- water
2- iced tea
3- cans coke cola (2-4 week)
I really don't enjoy alcohol
I love a cuppa it starts my day
Rarely drink coffee. Once in a blue moon
I have the odd drink at parties or weddings but no big drinker.
Love coca cola and drink this daily (shame on me)
Love Seyi xxx
I drink them all sorry
All of them I'm afraid lol.
Even my daughter knows not to ask me anything until I've had my 2nd cup of coffee on a morning
Well I've taken the advise and do not drink any of the abovei wonder if I've gone overboard on this a a result this I do like the odd beer but I will not risk the caffine for a while but interesting thanks all
I think Stu certain things are not suppose to be good for us , but I do think as well as long as we have them in moderation ,its OK , its when we go over the top
Heard the saying
Sometimes a little bit of what you fancy does you good
Hi Stuart, I'm with whywhy on this. I think if you enjoy the occasional beer then why not? All things in moderation is a phrase I have drummed into my daughter lol
looking at the replys on drink, i must be really bad on my health has i drink 3 to 4 pints a night 3 times a week and mostly weekends and have been doing this for years.
so looking at the replys i can see i must cut it right down but i do like a beer and i have stooped smoking
Start my day with a mug of hot water and lemon juice with a spoon full of honey.
During the night I drink soda water.
Drink tea - weak and black ... make a pot at work in the morning and it lasts me the day - topping it up with hot water as required ... so guess it is more tea flavoured water than tea ...
Drink coffee - laced with sugar and cream ... and occasionally a drop of scotch (but not when I'm feeling down) - a treat when I get home.
Finish my day with a peppermint tea (weak again)
Drink beer occasionally ... bitter
Drink wine occasionally ... preference for a sparkling wine
Very occasionally have a glass of sherry or malt whisky.
I don't drink alcohol if I am feeling down - guess that is my one rule.
Also like the occasional orange juice. Not that keen on lemonade or tonic water though - find them too sweet these days.
I have a coffee in the morning the rest of the day I drink herbal teas. I have the odd glass of red wine in the evening.