Here is the photo of the teachers apple cakes that I made for my son to take on Monday xxx
Apple cake: Here is the photo of the... - Anxiety Support
Apple cake

You are clever
They are fantastic !!!!!
How did you do them , Winter you have a flipping talent there hun
I am lost for words & that doesnt happen often , let me tell you
They look to good to eat
Winter they are amazing !!!
Never seen cakes like that before how do you make them?!
Lucky teachers
Mimii xx
Wow Just look at them, you are so clever winter, I could not do that in a million years. They look brilliant.
Thank you, I want to do my are you just saying that to be nice to me routine!
They are chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream, then white fondant icing that I have air brushed with edible colour xxx
Seriously Winter , I am not saying this just to be kind
You could sell them , believe me
I have never seen anything like them , you do have a talent
You must have so much patience as well , to do all that detail
Wish one was mine
If it was though I wouldnt want to cut it

Winter if I could make cakes like that Id be selling them to cake shops, would love to see any more you have made
Mimii xx
winter take credit where it is due, they are absolutely brilliant. you should be proud of yourself. they are very lucky teachers.
Winter. I cant take my eyes off those cakes lol, today I bought 3 packs of fairy cakes was a 3 for 2 offer !
Hey hope you made one to eat yourself
Mimii x
Hi Mimii, no I didn't, I don't like chocolate cake, well it was actually red velvet cake. The children and husband ate all cut offs and spare icing. They always hover around when I'm doing cake!
I do love fairy cakes though, that was a good offer xxxx
WOW,that is what you call an apple for the teacher,they are amazing!A big positive!
Thank you xxx
mmmm butter cream, they are so creative. Have you tried a pineapple lol. go on, just for me xxx
I might have to have a go at some point xxx
Excellent I'm in the process of making me mum a bday cake wont look nothing like these. Think I need to practice more. They are awesome winter
I'm sure your cake for your mum will be perfect and she will love it xxx
Omg!! Winter they are amazing and I am not just saying that. I've just shown my son and he went "cool mum how did the lady make those"? Winter you have a talent there and you can go straight to the top of the class xxxx
Hi Eve, how old is your son, mine is 9 and he loved taking the cakes in, although he wasn't impressed with the cuddles he got!! Xx
Hi winter hes six and he loved them hes just asked me to show them to him again. I can imagine at nine that cuddles were embarrassing my son is just starting to not want to hold my hand or have hugs in front of his friends. You should set up a website and start a business when you feel a bit better xxx
Eve, your not the only one who has said that. I will put another cake on that your son might like, it's an army cake. I'm currently practicing a wedding cake that I've got to do in August! Xxx
Oh he would love that hes army mad. Seriously you should think of a business. An old colleague of mine set up a biscuit company as a hobby she got so busy she quit her job and had to take on a full time employee. Something to think of when you are stronger xxx
Winter, they are brilliant. Well done you I just would never have the patience or the creativity to do that.
They are so good i'll have to show my sister she likes making cakes and will appreciate these.
Very lucky teachers, already I know they'll be impressed something different from the norm. Xx
Yes please unsure, please show your sister and tell me what she thinks xxx
Love them! They look brilliant
Wow, you have a real talent winter xxx