Hi, i am 29 years old male, i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder with psychotic features 6 years ago, i dropped out of medical school when it was left only 6 weeks to graduate, now after 6 years am repeating the last year(internship), but here is the thing, people in my area always disrespect and insult me, call me names, bully me, cuz i did some embarassing things when i was psychotic and that really affects my self esteem and self respect. They remind me of how weak i am which affects my social and dating life. Why do people have to be mean to me? am really considering suicide
Mental illness stigma: Hi, i am 2... - Anxiety and Depre...
Mental illness stigma

Hi Dink, welcome. We're good listeners. You have way too much on your plate to worry about what other people think of you. People can be such buttholes. It's our job to ignore them. You have nothing to prove. You are achieving your goal despite your condition! That's not nothing. Own your strength and courage. Love yourself the way you would a dear friend. Know that the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. 🥰
I agree, rub your success in their face. They are afraid of you and your success. Concentrate on your studies and not someone who is worthless of your attention. Let them know you are better and more resourceful than anyone else by your success
Lots of people reach points in their lives but will to start again or finish your studies will keep you aiming for something you really need and want in your life. Concentrate on your life and not those of malice and spite. Haters are many but find the people you can trust and value the studies you chose to do for it's real value. You are valuable and important and people will be glad to know you, show them true success and triumph over your problems. Keep going till you can smile at your progress
Hello 👋 First off take thinking about suicide off the table. You're young and have too much to live for. Stop people pleasing and learn to like yourself . Be gentle with yourself forgive yourself and move on with the rest of your life.
You are in the right field. Have you ever thought of how much a person like you could help other people like you as a doctor? Youwould have platform to help people better understand. People often make fun of things they dont understand or fear. You could help rectify this. Dont give up.
Hey Dink
I m also bipolar. Didn’t figure it out till I was in my early 50s, but when I did and did my research on the disorder, answers came to me that self-esteem and many other things can be associated with it.
I found out that all that people pleasing I was doing most of my life and doing it well was about my disorder. It’s difficult for me to not be into what other people think because of that and my never stop thinking brain I was gifted with, which is a curse and a blessing,
For me every time I made people feel good about themselves or about me it fed that self-esteem issue.
With work, I’ve been able to control that need to please others and focus more on me first,.
still not easy to get certain things out of my head, but it can get better for you.