I've been taking Zoloft for twenty years and no longer feel it's necessary. When I started Zoloft, I was in high school and my depression was pretty severe. However, all these years later, I'm a much happier person, and I can't say it's all thanks to Zoloft. There were times over those twenty years where I wasn't as happy, but the reasons were explainable, like the death of a family member or being in a bad situation.
The one way I'm still suffering is once a week anxiety attacks. I've never found Zoloft to be especially helpful with this part of my mental health. There were times when I was taking Zoloft when I was very anxious, and my doctor at that time wanted to put me on a very high dose, but I could tell it wasn't helping. I've been treating my anxiety with CBT (the gold standard), and specifically Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which has you live the life you want to live despite anxiety.
My current doctor actually wants me to go off of it (she's afraid it could make me manic *eye roll*). I currently take 150 mg. Has anyone else done this? I feel like I'll be turning over a new leaf if I no longer have to swallow this pill.