I appreciate everyone's help
Thank you everyone : I appreciate... - Anxiety and Depre...
Thank you everyone

FYI, I am happy to chat with you whenever you wish. I have given myself the job of responding daily to unanswered posts!
I'm just really down abd scared
I'm so sorry. We can talk right now, if you wish. What is "abd"? When you says that "you are really down," that sounds like depression. When you say that you are scared, that sounds like anxiety. Can you confirm? Is that true? Tell me more.
Depressed and scared. My dreams are over , of a family being happy. The last few years have been tough but also a traumatic past which now I blame myself
What do you mean when you say that your dreams are over, of being a happy family? Do you mean that you once had a happy family and now you do not and feel that you never will again? Can you explain more?
My chance for kids
Oh, oh, that's a big one. I don't blame you one bit. If you want kids and can't have kids, that's a big, big disappointment. Is the problem biological or not finding the right partner?
I'm married but feel we waited too long..I'm old and probably infertile. Just another trauma
Oh, sorry, I thought you didn't respond and wrote a note--but you did. Well, I think it's time to bite the bullet. You say you "feel" you waited to long and that you're "probably" infertile. But you really don't know! It's time to find out. I would make an appointment with your GP. Your GP may evaluate that you need a referral to an OB-GYN or possibly a reproductive endocrinologist. Besides asking the fertility question--and your husband may want to see a urologist to answer the same question--you have to consider the factor of your age and the increased risk that comes comes both to yourself and the foetus with age. Probably it will take you a couple months to sort this and then you will know the truth: try to have a baby or call it off. If you have to call if off, then start looking at alternatives, volunteering to work with children, etc. There are many options. IMHO, this is a trauma because you are not moving forward to resolve the problem EVERYBODY who wants a baby, including me, but couldn't, suffers in one way or another. The best you can do is sort it and you're really not doing that now.
It doesn't help when I'm always so tired and don't understand why. Or he's tired or family emergencies or work my anxiety. I screwed up my life. Or I feel he didn't want kids w me