It doesn’t add up.
All I’ve asked of myself is to feel good at times. I don’t want to feel perfect, I just don’t want to feel bad all the time. It’s a deep pit at times just to do something as simple as taking a shower or looking through the blinds to see outside. At least it can be for me.
A while ago, after a horrific scene, I found that there was a village inside my head, a village of negative thoughts and intrusive fears that I’d never experienced before. I have spent years trying to ignore that negative noise, and I’ve spent years trying to run away from them in one way or another. I could say it’s a human thing to do, but the truth is, it’s a me thing to do. I know people who are living through their issues and tackling them with energy and with focus, while I’ve spent myself out, just trying to forget that there is something wrong with me.
It’s almost like a village of noise-making people or many machines that won’t shut the hell up in my mind.
I have experienced an internal “population explosion” of emotionally traumatic negativity and in my thinking, I’m not making any headway against it. I’m tired of being tired, of just simply being at times. (I hope that made some sense!).
That damned noise? It tells me nothing specifically but it wears on my mind because I struggle to hear through the noise.
No, this isn’t about suicide, but it is about being plain old tired of the fight.
Times just get taken up with trying to do more or less, well, nothing, and I don’t like to waste it this way.
Damages add up if they aren’t treated for repair. And many of my most traumatic damages, have been allowed to fester. I was afraid for a long time to tell someone else what I was going through, and even now that I am in treatment (of a sort) I find myself wanting to turn the volume down on that freaking noise!
I’m in this, for my life, and it seems for life.
Peace, healing, and comfort, to all.