So, for about the passed year, my fiance has been working graveyard shifts. He works a minimum of 5 days a week and sometimes doesn't have time off for weeks at a time. I've always suffered from these all-consuming, recurring nightmares that cause me to wake up screaming and in a full on panic attack in the middle of the night. Since he's been working at this place, I still have nightmares but now, since I'm alone, it can take hours for me to calm myself down and get back to sleep (if I'm lucky). Instead of waking up and having him there to center my breathing and pull me out of it, I wake up and can't stop the panic, completely paralyzed but also frantic and pretty shaken up, something like a night terror or sleep paralysis. In addition to the nightmares, my quality of sleep has greatly declined because I honestly don't feel very safe when he's gone at night, and it's caused of lot of night time anxiety that I've never experienced before. With this new thing, it all started with me waking up every so often and not really getting any REM or deep sleep, I think because I was trying to avoid the nightmares, but now I wake up every 15-20 minutes. For the most part, my waking up doesn't totally feel like a reaction to my anxiety, I don't know what it is, but it's not something I have much control over and I'm finding myself constantly tired. Anyone else experience anything like this or any thoughts on the subject? I am open to any and all ideas, guys! Much appreciated!