This is my first post, I apologize for the length!I am (55f) and was prescribed 25 mg effexor twice a day 18 years ago to help with migraines. The bonus is that it might help with some low-level anxiety. I had no problems with this dose.This past Sept., I was prescribed a 12-day taper of 60 mg prednisone, to stop a 10-day migraine. I had a horrible response to the prednisone, and started having rolling panic attacks within hours. Blood tests showed very high levels of cortisol.
After a watch-and-wait period, I still struggled with anxiety and woke every day with a start and adrenaline rush, which was very unsettling.
Upon seeing my GP, he decided to raise the effexor to 75 mg. Still no improvement in anxiety. After two weeks, he raised it again to 150, then 225, even though I questioned the increases. One day, I saw one of his partners, and asked her if I could just drop the effexor, since it wasn't helping. She said yes, it wouldn't be a problem. She also made a quick comment that my liver enzymes were a bit elevated, but moved on.
Dec. 12 - GP called me at home to tell me to stop effexor and reduce from 225 to 150, starting that night, due to concerns about my liver. Scared and stunned, I did just that. Within 12 hours. I was feeling awful. I had no idea there was any such thing as withdrawal. As usual, the doctor didn't mention it. (I found out later that he didn't know anything about it.)
I started Googling, and quickly realized how serious all of this was.
Four days later, literally in crisis, I went to my GP again, after 5 hours rolling on my living room floor, sure I would not make it through the day. I haven't been able to find the words to describe the torture I was feeling.
Imagine my utter panic when he shrugged his shoulders, saying there was nothing he could do for me. He never said this was temporary, providing any hope that this was indeed not my new life. My husband suggested hydroxyzine might be helpful, and he agreed that maybe that would be safe for my liver.
As we were getting up to leave, the doctor quietly mentioned that our local university hospital has a psych ER, so we went immediately. I was desperate for help.
The psychiatrist was wonderful, and gave me some hope. It was so appreciated! She also got me an appointment five days later at the Psych clinic, which was a feat in and of itself. They prescribed gabapentin, which is enough to take the edge off and help me sleep a few hours.
Meanwhile, my liver enzymes continued to climb.
The doctor and NP want me off the effexor immediately. I feel as if I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I taper too slow, I risk serious liver disease. If I taper too fast, I risk the awful withdrawal. (I dropped my dose by 37.5 mg three days ago, and am feeling pretty lousy.)
Has anyone else had to taper quickly or had liver problems from effexor? Is there any advice for keeping both my liver and brain safe? As you can imagine, this is not how I wanted to spend the holidays.