the last few weeks I’ve had the strangest sensations and I’m now starting to wonder if it’s anxiety related
I have took 50mg quetiapine and 20mg fluoxetine for the last 15 years.
Since June I’ve been getting headaches and my neck is really stiff and lots of tension in it,
And out of nowhere ( I haven’t stopped my meds) I have started to do this weird jerk thing, it happened the first after I’d been at work all day I scrolled on my phone and I felt like my eyes went funny and my body did one random jerk. Then since that I’ve had like head tremor and it’s happened about 5 times in the last three weeks.
It feels like my head is just about to like pass out then I jump, then after it I feel really anxious.
I have hypnic jerks every night but this is happening in the day!
My anxiety is pretty high right now!!