Hello! I’m going to share a truncated version of my story as I have some questions on whether I’m alone in this. 2011 I started weaning off Cymbalta - it took two years of counting pellets and tapering to succeed. 2013- I was on a new medication shortly, and then back to Zoloft as it’s the only one remotely effective. Cymbalta withdrawal was the worst- brain zaps all the time, zombie feeling, night terrors- you name it I had it.
My concern is that after years of not being on Cymbalta, and about 4 years back on Zoloft- I still get brain zaps occasionally. There has been minor adjustments to my meds within the 4 years but nothing drastic. The brain zaps occur maybe once a week. And they’re short. But I’m curious if I’m alone in dealing with them intermittently years after Cymbalta, or if others have had that experience.