another day…. Just grateful I am working at home today…. Another night of intermittent sleep… feeling tired… search for jobs again looking for an escape from my current job…. I’m hungry… but don’t feel like eating…. Looking forward to a long restful night to sleep….. I guess I’m still here and kind of trying…. I wish I knew what to do in this odd time of my life…. From being a go getter for so long and many years achieving the goals I set out to now just living day by day…. Waiting to just pass peacefully… so many years and decades to go…..
third alarm has gone off… I guess it’... - Anxiety and Depre...
third alarm has gone off… I guess it’s time to stop ignoring it and start my boring day….

Hi. I totally agree with you. I'm going through the same turmoil with life. I wish I had an answer to it all 😔.
Living day to day only goes so far before we get bored of ourselves and life.
Having a goal, a plan is what keeps our mind and body alive and exciting and
may I say youthful. Change that train of thought. Remember what we think
is what we get. We've got you, you've got us for support. xx
I agree. It also helps to see the little moments and things in your life as positive and pleasurable. I look forward to being greeted by the neighbors cat every day and a favorite song on the drive to work for example. It's not a cure-all but it can lessen the burden a bit 😃
DangLifeisHell, it's me again wondering if it took 3 alarms in deciding it's time
to start your day today. It's Friday but whatever day it is, smile to yourself and say
"I'm Back". After all without that miracle of life nothing changes.
I always look forward to each new day, each new experience that there never seems to
be enough time to get to everything I want.
I've been fulfilled in so many ways with people I've met through work and volunteering.
Life isn't always about going down the same road day after day. Once in a while it's
surprising as to what you may find taking a different path one day and discovering
something new in life.
It could be either in your job or finding something else to fill your reason for being here.
You are in the prime of your life right now. Don't spend decades waiting for the end.
You've only just begun and Life waits for you. xx
Hi Agora1,
I appreciate your response, wish I could say I had that mentality. I’m such a pessimistic/negative person these past few years, use to be very positive but I had a different outlook on life when I was out challenging and accomplishing things then. I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm today but that is because I couldn’t sleep anymore. I was dragging my feet though getting ready for work but faked a smile in the shower to try and brighten my mood. Listen to music and sang while driving on the way to work. One out of three of my clients did well today and made my day for the moment but the other two I struggled to support and that made me feel like I suck at what I do now. I just mentally couldn’t do it and just wanted to walk out. But I need the paycheck. I’m home now and realizing what I use to be good at, I no longer love. Plan to update my resume and pray I can find something else, as I can no longer handle working with special needs, when my mental state is just crashing hard. It’s been 10 years doing it and I can stand to keep on going. I even took several months off and dropped to part time. But I just can’t. I wish I could look forward to a new day. I just hope my husband gets a job soon. So I can quit and find something else. Thank you again for your kindness and words.