hi.this is my first time posting and I’m not even sure if I’m doing this right.I had something major happen in may and I tried to just ignore it. It’s not working. I have been under extreme stress lately making dealing with it beyond overwhelming. Iv tried everything. I’m not myself.i feel like a shell of who i used to be. I used to be so happy and now all i do is cry. I hate this and i hate myself for feeling this way..
Hi I’m new here : hi.this is my first... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi I’m new here

Hi, whatever is bothering you I'm sure you'll find people who have made mistakes can seek advice and help on here, we've heard many things and nothing is worth driving yourself around the bend and causing you distress, we are all human and make mistakes until our dying day , take it from me I've made mistakes and without support I'd be still struggling to this day.
Thank you.its not really what I did. It’s what I didn’t do and what it caused.i guess no one knows me here so i can just say it. In may i was evaluated for my mental health. The man that was doing the evaluation attempted to sexually assault me.i refused and started screaming and told the officer what he said. They both said I was lying and crazy. He put me on a 96 hour psych hold by telling the judge I was unhinged and he said no such thing. I lost a week of my life and my kids were so confused. No one looks at me the same anymore. I was doing ok until I saw the officer at the gas station and I havnt been ok since. I can’t even report it because he showed me that no one will believe me and they will just lock me away again..
Well I'm sorry firstly you've had to have this ordeal, it seems you've been badly treated, I dunno if this incident is on your file as such, and obviously if it is you can't even blink in the wrong direction, now trying to move forward, as difficult as it may seem because your hands are maybe tied, you have to protect yourself for this type of behaviour, even having a mobile phone recording in a top pocket perhaps,that's if you face someone in authority, yes it sounds drastic, as for folk looking at you differently, trust me you'll be yesterday's news, and guess what humans do when a person has had problems they'll gossip for a day or two and then move on to the next bit of gossip, try and don't overthink this, you can walk with your head held high, and know what that individual tried to do, hasn't succeeded in bringing you down, stay strong and I hope you will enjoy a happy life ahead of you!
Hi Mrr_22, first of all let me say how proud I am of you to trust and believe in
this forum. With your help, we can support you because we care.
There is an organization called CCHR (The Citizens Commission on Human Rights"
There is a full explanation within "Minding Therapy" site on the internet that can
answer questions regarding what you can do.
Don't allow yourself to be trapped into a corner because of your mental health issues.
Please look into this site. Know that we are behind you and will help and support you
the best way possible. We are all at risk in having this happen to us as well. Together
we can form a bond of support because we care. xx
As always sound advice 😊
Thanks Cb. We live and we learn through each other
Hope you are doing well xx
Yes got a couple of niggling health problems, I'm needing some sleep it 2am here and I'm shattered, hope your keeping well, I always look out for you when I'm on the forum, thanks 😊
You're amazing Agora. Thank you so much for this information! I wish I had it when I had my own problems. Yup, "problems." Not once, but twice. Sadly, the helping professions attract some monsters.
It's fine honestly, I'm just about to go to bed, thanks again x
Hi, and welcome to the community of people who are more likely to understand, having gone through troubles themselves. I'm so sorry that you're feeling as you do at the moment - it's understandable. And I'm horrified about what happened to you, and how you were treated. Are you able to get counselling, and can your doctor help in any way (maybe with temporary medication)? Also, if you feel you are able to brave going to a religious place (church, temple, synagogue) they may be able to give you comfort too. We are all here for you. Good luck - take care.
Hello. Welcome to our community. I am confident that you can find much love and acceptance here. Plainly stated, your experience must have been horrific. To have been assaulted and have no one believe you is heart wrenching. Nevertheless, you have the strength to overcome the effects of this incident. I would urge you to seek out assistance from a good qualified mental health specialist. In addition, you may want to consider consulting with an attorney to help you extricate yourself from any legal complications. Know you are valued. Know that you will not be judged. And know that you can seek out help from this site. I only wish you some relief from your pain and that you take care of yourself. May God bless you and your family.
you are all so wonderful. Friday I had a run in with the officer that couldn’t be avoided and was able to confront her. It feels like a weight was lifted off me. I spoke with an attorney right after it happened but even he said without proof it would be a fight. Telling that officer she was wrong without fear when she couldn’t even look me in the eyes was empowering❤️