Since obviously I can't let him go just like that, I decided to limit my contact with him and train myself and him with that. This way I won't be so obsessed with texting him and he will know how to behave.
These 3 of days went on pretty well I guess. He was texting first a lot. Asking me questions, being interested.
He was rude a couple of times, so I told them that if it's to talk like this to eachother, I would prefer to not talk at all. Then all of a sudden he became an angel again. (🙄)
Here are my rules of limited contact if you're interested:
1. I wait for him to text first most of the times.
2. I have the right to text first if it's very important or he has texted first multiple times.
3. When we are not in an active conversation, I can send up to 3 messages (unless it's very important).
4. If I want to text him, I better not.
5. If he's kind to me, I am kind to him. If he tells me good things, I text him in a good mood, if not, I'm normal to him.