I’m content, but…: I know that my life... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I’m content, but…

Godless profile image
40 Replies

I know that my life will end by my own hand unless something crazy happens, and I’m ok with that. I’m content. Problem is I’ve been getting really down in the evenings because of loneliness. I miss having a woman to connect with. I don’t mean just physically, but even just to talk to. It’s not something I can figure out how to fix. I’m too screwed up to actually try to meet people. And I’m incapable of maintaining a friendship if I have to make contact first.

Honestly I think I’m here hoping to find people to talk to and maybe build a friendship.

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Godless profile image
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40 Replies
Lovely2024 profile image

Hi Godless, I have some good news: you are in the right place. I’m new to this site and I’ve found more compassion, encouragement, and empathy here in less than a month than I have found elsewhere before that. There’s something beautiful about having a shared experience. We learn to listen and to care for one another. I’m sure you’ll make lots of friends here, just give this amazing group of people some time and they’ll bless your life

blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Godless,Thank you for your post.

Welcome to your forum.

As Lovely2024 just said we are are here for each other through the good times and bad. Lived experiences of mental illness qualifies you for membership. Feel free to engage as much as you can. 💜 🐈‍⬛

Midori profile image

You aren't alone; many of us are like that, that's why here is a good place to come.

Cheers, Midori

GenevaRoth profile image

Welcome to the hospital. We are all broken people here to support each other. I'm curious about your name "Godless"? What made you decide to go with that?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I’m an atheist so long ago I started using it and variations of for user names.

GenevaRoth profile image

Oh I find atheism fascinating.

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

Well feel free to message me if you want to talk more about atheism.

GenevaRoth profile image

Thanks. Assuming there is no God for the sake of this question, how was matter created?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to GenevaRoth

Natural evolution🕵️‍♂️👌

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

Current evidence suggests all matter and energy came from the Big Bang of the initial singularity. Of course I’m not theoretical physicist or cosmologist.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

I'm not one of those either. So there was a big bang that started everything. What started the big bang?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

Don’t know. No one does.

I understand the point of your asking, but your questions have nothing to do with atheism. Just because someone lacks a belief in a god doesn’t mean they’ll give you the same answers I will/have. I’m more scientifically minded than others may be.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

Got it. What causes someone, such as yourself, to choose to be an atheist?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I don’t feel I chose it. I was atheist before I knew there was a term for it, because I never believed in a god. I wasn’t raised atheist; my mom was Seventh Day Adventist, but never went to church. I did go a couple times with cousins that I can remember, but I didn’t understand why. It just wasn’t really a part of my life.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Godless

I was engaged to a Catholic girl, I have an Irish sounding first name, I was "grilled" by her family in front of her house, about 2 minutes in, I went 'brain dead' , what was I doing here, about beliefs I was Presbyterian, I don't love her, what are they talking about, my Presbyterian belief 🙄, I am living in Northern Ireland, this was mid 1970's, a distinct turning point, ironically I became a genealogist so have lost count the number of churches I've been through and the number of graveyards I've listed, been a firm agnostic over 40 years👌

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

That's an interesting back story. Not choosing to be an atheist is a curious concept - like you were born with it or it's a state of being. As an atheist, do you believe that "good" and "evil" are merely social constructs subject to the present morals of the community you may be part of?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I don’t believe in “good” and “evil”. Life’s a bit more gray than that, but I do believe there is a moral subjectivity depending on what society you’re part of.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

I appreciate your candor. Let's unpack that a bit with an extreme example. With morals being subjective, if one particular society accepts that stockpiling nuclear weapons and dropping them on other societies in order to destroy them is cool, but yet another society believes that behavior is not good, is there any way to tell which one of those societies has the correct view? Probably not, because morals are subjective, correct?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I’m not good at answering hypothetical questions, or moral/philosophical ones. Part of the problem is I feel I don’t have enough information to answer properly.

Though I understand that the point of this scenario is to show that without an objective morality these kind of things can happen, and why should anyone of us say it’s wrong. That’s why objective morality must come from a god. However with the thousands of gods worshipped though out history, who’s to say which one we should follow.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

They all make truth claims. Only one can be right. What does the evidence show?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

That none are real, hence why I’m an atheist

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

In light of that answer, is it fair to say that a more honest answer to the question of what started the big bang is "I'm not sure, but I know it was not a single god?"

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I did say “I don’t know. No one does” earlier. It wouldn’t be honest to say “I know it was not a single god” because I can’t possibly know that. Though I do think it to be extremely unlikely.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

Why are you contemplating taking your life?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

What’s the point of living with nothing worth living for? I know life is what you make it, and I’ve made it bad. Much of my own doing, willfully or not. It’s ok though, there are far worse things than dying.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

I've asked you some rather direct questions and you have been gracious to answer them. It's safe to say that you are not an atheist, but agnostic. And if so, somewhere in your mind you are holding out hope that there is a purpose to life, and we are not just a bundle of molecules that were put together by mere happenstance. Why do you say you've made your life bad? Someone who truly believes that all that exists is merely an accident with no Creator behind it would say there is no such thing as bad - our thoughts and behaviors are merely a product of random selection and there is no objective truth to make a measurement of good or bad. I know with all my heart that your life has meaning and purpose. Do you want to keep going with this conversation?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I have no problem continuing the conversation, but you’re wrong on a few points. I am an atheist, because I don’t believe in a god. If you want to go a bit more precise, I’m considered an agnostic atheist vs a gnostic atheist. Gnostic relates to knowledge. I have no knowledge of the existence of a god one way or the other. Theism deals with belief. You believe so you’re a theist, I don’t so I’m atheist.

I always find it funny how people think that without a god nothing should matter to those who don’t believe. When the truth is many atheists have a more purposeful life because it’s the only one they have. Just because I don’t see a purpose to my life doesn’t mean others are the same.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

Fair enough. What is it that you think would bring purpose to your life?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

For me I think it’s less about having purpose and more about being burdensome and lonely.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

Why are you burdensome, at least from your perspective?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

I’ll be 42 in a month and live at home with my 68yr old mother. I’m on disability and don’t work. All I do is sit around and watch tv or play video games.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

I can only imagine what you are experiencing. It must be very hard. May I ask, are you immobile?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

Nope. I’m on disability for depression and Tourette’s. I could work if I felt like it. There are a couple reasons I don’t.

1) working while collecting SSI can be a hassle because the rules.

2) applying for work causes me stress and worsens my depression. The only work I ever had was because of my mom and I only ever did seasonal work.

So now I just prefer to keep my life simpler. I may not be happy or see a future for myself, but I’m mostly content. For now I live my shitty life waiting for something to happen or I get so so stressed I take my life.

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

I'm so terribly sorry. It sounds extremely challenging. Have you ever identified the underlying cause for your depression and Tourette's?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

Tourette’s is a neurological syndrome without an exact cause. As for the depression, who knows. I’m sure there are plenty of possible reasons

GenevaRoth profile image
GenevaRoth in reply to Godless

I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. It cannot be easy. Do you ever consider what will happen to you after you die? Do you think that death is final and your problems will be over?

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to GenevaRoth

That’s exactly what I think. That’s why death is so tempting. The only reason I’m still here is because of the affect it would have on family.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Godless

Quite agree, what I believe is probably in the same vein as yourself, nothing to do with a "super human being" or god as is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, I am an agnostic!

So_It_Goes profile image

hey 👋🏻 I read your post and thought to myself “I didn’t post anything recently, did I?”. I can totally relate… message me if you ever want/need to talk ❤️

Godless profile image
Godless in reply to So_It_Goes

Thanks. Feel free to do the same if you want. I much prefer hearing about others issues that to think about mine.

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