I'm having a tough time and feeling very lonely. I've been here before, dealing with the same issues. I don't need advice, just support and care.
My husband is repeating the same behaviors—he is being emotionally and verbally abusive to me. He knows about my illnesses (MDD, PTSD, anxiety, and an autoimmune disease called painful bladder syndrome) and the abuse I experienced with my family. He was so supportive back then, a completely different person. For about the past two years of our 13-year marriage, he has been getting angrier and angrier, being nasty to me over really small things. I don't provoke him; I'm just getting through day by day.
My therapist said he has been emotionally abusive since the beginning—it was subtle but still abuse.
He basically tells me I am worthless, accuses me of only being with him for the money and support, and expects a 50/50 marriage while boasting about his ability to have a job and buy our house (when I can't do those things). I wasn't this sick when we met and I was excited to find a job. Things changed. My health changed. He knows I feel horrible about myself and yet he continues to hit below the belt, as though I haven't been through enough.
Anyway, I can't leave, and I am very, very lonely. There is not much more I can take of this. This is on top of having to cut off my mom and my dog passing on April 8. Life has been tough since I was a kid. I am 52 now and I have a lot of suicidal ideation. Please, I need some support and kindness.