so depressed can’t sleep this is my last resort pls someone talk to me
depression : so depressed can’t sleep... - Anxiety and Depre...

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hi do u have depression
Yes depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia.
what is that last one and how do you cope with all of that i am so trapped and idk what to do
Agoraphobia is the fear of leaving the house. Being here on this site has helped me to cope so much. Talking with people who understand. We are not alone.
thank u so much for even talking to me how are you !
I am doing really well. I am happy I can talk to you.
yes same my friends have suspected something is wrong with me but i just can’t open up to them. i have lost my whole personally and just feel like an empty boring shell. i struggle to sleep, get out of bed, have motivation for anything i don’t enjoy anything i am lost and i don’t want to carry on like this
Have you been to a doctor or psychiatrist yet?
i have tried to speak to therapist but it is really hard and i am on a waiting list cause they assessed me and said the type of therapy i need requires someone with more skill in what i’m dealing with. i haven’t been medically diagnosed but when i had an assessment they said it is sounding like i have severe depression and anxiety and i’ve been struggling with it for 2 years but the symptoms became more apparent and serous end of last year up til now
Is it an option to go to a doctor while you are waiting for the therapy appointment?
yes they have suggest i try to find other means of healp in the mean time but i don’t know where to start my friends know that i’m not fine but i can’t open up to them even though we are really close and open but it’s not easy for me to talk about what do u suggest
Doing exactly what you are doing. Talking to people here. I do think it would be a good idea to go to a doctor if that is an option for you.
but sometimes i feel like i am just a lost cause that’s why i tend to push everyone away and lie to them and say i’m fine cause i don’t want them to help me cause they can’t that’s why it’s not easy for me to open up
You are definitely not a lost cause. It is hard talking to people who don't understand. Hopefully you will find it easier to talk to people here.
thanks. do u have anyone in real life you can open up to and if u have how has that helped you
Yes I have the support of my Mother, my Father, and my boyfriend. I am very lucky. They are so supportive. I am in therapy and have a psychiatrist. I am on medication. Joining here helped me so much though.
that’s really good! so you are doing much better in general or you still have bad days?
I am doing much better with the anxiety and depression. I still have a really hard time leaving the house and I don't very often.
i understand. i hope things get better for you i am going to bed now cause it is late but you don’t understand how much i appreciate you speaking to me. thanks so much honestly i am here when ever you need me too. hope to speak to you soon when i log back online. remeber you matter! goodnight
Hi icespice, if you’re still not feeling well, I’m here too. I’m feeling some of what you’re feeling right now too. I’m struggling and pushing people away which is making it worse.. and then of course trying to find the right therapist relationship is terrible. So, I’m feeling it too. If you’re ever feeling alone, I’m a message away.
thanks so much! i am here if you need me, just messge me too do you have any thing that helps you cope with the way you’re feeling that could help with me
Thank you. Well my dog is my reason, the true love of my life. Music can really help, I make playlists for moods. And then when I feel overwhelmed I make a list of what I need to do to feel better and then I try to do one thing at a time from the list, even if it takes a long time. And helping others helps me. And then this phrase has resonated with me “we’ve never wanted to die, we wanted to know what it’s like to truly live”